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Macaque wasn't knowledgeable about the mortal human body, but he knew overheating wasn't a good sign. It looked like you were struggling badly with the possession process. He didn't want to bring you to a human doctor for the sole fact that they have no clue what possession does to a person.

You squirmed a bit in his grasp, he hadn't even noticed he was holding you this tight.

You were wrapped in a blanket burrito, the design on the cloth was a simple (f/c) checkered pattern. No matter how much he tried to pry the blanket away from your overheating body, you pulled it right back.

"You're going to burn to death.", He stated clearly, knowing you couldn't hear him.

Macaque needed to think of who was knowledgeable on both possession and human health. He was definitely not going to let you into Wukong's care... for obvious reasons.

You flinched, grabbing onto the blanket surrounding you. Macaque was pulled out of his thought process as he rushed over to you. He offered a bottle of water to your lips, which opened to swallow some despite your unconscious state.

He wasn't growing an attachment to you, he just needed to keep you alive long enough to find out how you know the future. This is what he kept telling himself this entire time, yet it was growing harder to lie to himself.

Your temperature was growing dangerously whenever it was checked. Macaque stole a thermometer from a human store just to keep watch of you.

"I know one person who knows about them enough to help...", He muttered to himself and pulled out a phone to text who he was thinking about. "It's a far throw but she's definitely more knowledgeable in humans than me."


"What the HELL happened to them?!?!? Didn't you say the last time you saw them that they were in healthy condition? I've never seen a possession get to this state in the matter of two days!", Spider Queen was fuming.

Despite the two of you not talking much, you had grown on her. When she saw a very nervous Macaque holding your unconscious body, she had only assumed the worst.

Macaque and Spider Queen had partially joined forces, both being connected to you in some way or another. The monkey was hungry for answers, so he wanted to know what the queen knew.

"It's the Bone Demon! I can sense her magic all over their body. I know you have some medical books on humans and a bit more knowledge on them than me.", He tried to calm her down.

"I... I can do my best. Lay them on that web over there.", She motioned with an oversized claw to a softer looking web where some spiders already lay. They skittered out of the way when Macaque drew nearer with you.

She looked over at you with pity. "First, we need to decrease the fever. You can steal some medicine and water from a nearby shop to help. I'll grab the books I have on possession and human anatomy to see if I can find a solution."

Without a second glance, Macaque nodded and disappeared into the shadows.

Spider Queen looked over at you lying in the web, clutching onto the strands in some sort of pain. She had no clue what you were experiencing, but whatever it was, it was bad.


A storm.

There was a literal storm in your mind.

You held onto the deer, which was as still as a statue. The water was rapidly splashing around you as it slowly decreased in volume. Whenever it lapped up onto your legs, it burnt.

Letters | Gender Nuetral Reader x Lego Monkie Kid (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now