Letter Two, Poison

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Before Pigsy, Tang, and you go to the market, you decide to chill out with Sandy and Mo for a bit outside of the shop. Out of all of the people you've grown friendships with Sandy was definitely the kindest to you. He offered all the tea and hugs that a touch deprived person like you could ever need in your life. Mo was a little ray of sunshine with a bright orange mohawk.

Mo stretched and jumped off of your lap back into Sandy's. He was definitely spoiled by that man. "Hey, could I touch your beard?", you ask.

'Why do I never have a filter?!?!'

Sandy looked up from Mo to look at you. His eyes started to dramatically water. "NOBODY'S EVER ASKED ME THAT BEFORE!!! I always put so much care and attention into maintaining its lush beauty.", He grabbed you into a strong hug.

Sandy's beard was definitely softer than expected. Despite not having much beard experience, you've never felt a beard that wasn't scratchy and annoying. 'It's like he has cat fur on his chin or something, I could literally fall asleep like this. No wonder Mo always falls asleep on Sandy.'

Tang and Pigsy left the noodle shop talking about something and cracking jokes at each other. Tang looks over at you, to see you being practically smothered to death by an emotional Sandy. "Hey (Y/N)!!! We're ready to head to the market today! Be warned Pigsy is going to talk a LOT about vegetables.", Tang shouted out to you. You pulled out of Sandy's hug and pet Mo goodbye. "Coming!"

Sandy waved bye to you, before going back to petting Mo.


"So what's so different about this carrot from the rest of them?" Tang asked Pigsy and put his hand to his chin. Pigsy smirked and began to list all of the reasons it was a perfect carrot. You could literally not give a shit about carrot terminology, so you took a step back and analyzed the surroundings.

'This conversation is about a carrot, so the chances are that Spider Queen is going to make an entrance soon. Letter? Check. Arachnophobia? Also Check. Let's do this shit.'

"You seem like you know quite a lot about your vegetables, don't you?", A smooth voice said to Pigsy. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you made eye contact with THE Spider Queen. She was a bit taller in her non-spider robot form than you were expecting.

"My my~ Your friends must be so impressed by your knowledge."

Pigsy was head over heels for her while Tang facepalmed with enough force to get a self-induced coma. Her eyes seemed to linger a bit longer on you, compared to the others. "I have some very special wares for you all back here. Just follow me~"

'Kids, never do what my dumbass is about to do.'

You followed behind Tang and Pigsy, being wary of the VERY APPARENT trapdoor on the floor with a literal spider on it. With fingers crossed and eyes closed, the three of you plummeted into the trap.


"GUYS, GUYS!!!! PIGSY AND (Y/N) ARE MISSING!!!", MK burst into the secret hideout room. Mei and Sandy sat next to each other on the plush couch, holding remote controllers for a videogame.

"Wait... (Y/N)? I was talking to them earlier today!!! They said they were going somewhere with Pigsy and Tang.", Sandy recounted to MK. MK remembered something," OH! Also, Tang was missing or something. BUT PIGSY NEVER OPENED UP SHOP TODAY!!!"

Collective gasps were heard around the room, Mo included. Everyone who knew Pigsy was aware that he NEVER forgot to open up shop. Even when he was sick, he opened up shop. If it were ever closed on normal working hours, then that either meant Pigsy went missing or he bit the noodle flavored dust.

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