Chapter Ten: The visitors....

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Harry can hear voices coming from somewhere in the house.

With a groan, he rolls out of bed, pulling on sweat pants and his favourite white shirt with images of all his tattoos that Gemma had made for his last birthday as a joke. The joke was actually on her because Harry loved it so much, he teared up upon opening it, thanking Gemma profusely for days to come after his birthday.

Harry desperately needs caffeine in relatively large doses. He feels like he hasn't slept more than a few hours and knows it will be a long day with Gemma and his mum. They are probably already bickering about Gemma's accident.

He wishes they were a little less like each other sometimes. Then he wouldn't have to defuse so many situations between them every time they got together as a family.

Having to take up that male role in the household, his whole life has sometimes been draining for harry. Wishing he had a father figure to ask for advice or wishes he had made friends easier so that he had someone to vent to.

Harry entered the lounge on his way to the jug with one more yawn when he heard an unknown male voice. Looking up, he stops abruptly, seeing four police officers standing in front of Gemma. She seems casual, lounging on the recliner chair with a cup in hand. He sees steam rising from it, reminding Harry how much he needs a coffee.

"Um, good morning, Gem, officers"

Harry knew they would be stopping by at some point but didn't realise it would be so early on a Sunday morning and before coffee. This was not something he needed to think about this early.

"Officers, this is Harry. I'm sure you've seen he came across the crash site and accompanied me to the hospital. He hasn't left my side since." Gemma sounded slightly annoyed but also hinted at joking in her tone.

Harry smiled and walked into the kitchen, finding his mum pouring hot water into what he hoped was coffee for him. "Morning, mum didn't realise we had guests coming so early. I would have put on my best suit had I known." Harry says cheekily while kissing his mum on the top of her head.

"Harry Edward, it's too early for your cheek. Gemma needs to give them her statement. I've been told under no circumstances to eavesdrop, enter the lounge or do anything other than stay here and make coffee for your handsome self."

Anne pinches his cheek before handing him his coffee and going to sit back where he assumed, she was before he came in. Picking up a book and heaving a rather dramatic sigh. "She loves us so much, Mum. She just doesn't want us to know details for our own protection. We'll do our best to support her, and if or when she wants to talk, we will listen without judgment and continue supporting her. I'm going to shower and find my phone."

Harry sneaks back through the living room, and back to the room he stayed in last night, wondering if Gem needs him while Anne is here or if he can head home. He knows she has no car, so she will probably need to be driven around, but Anne could do that.

He's feeling slightly on edge since having a rather vivid dream about nurse and patient roleplay that would never happen. He can't let his thoughts slip back there before he goes home, refusing to touch himself in any sense in his sister's home, knowing he would never live it down if Gemma found out. She would slap him into next week, more than likely.

After finishing his coffee and a quick cold shower, there is a knock on Harry's door. "Come in."

Looking up from his phone, he sees Gemma poking her head around the corner, "Oh good, you are dressed. The officers just left. I'm thinking of going to a coffee shop just to clear my head. Do you have any plans, or are you going to stay with mum?"

Harry feels slightly guilty for wanting to return to his house for a few hours, but if Gemma can go out by herself, Anne is also here. There isn't much for him to do other than sitting around twiddling his thumbs.

"I'm thinking I'll head home for a few hours. Got some um, things I need to do, but I've taken the week off to help where I can and spend a couple days with mum before she heads home. I'll come back later if you need me; otherwise, I'll come back in the morning. If that's okay, of course, Gem," His sister cracked up at him while holding her ribs, obviously in pain from laughing so hard.

Harry stomps his foot slightly. "Gemma, shut up. I want to ensure you'll be okay if I head out."

Still laughing slightly, Gemma rolls her eyes for the millionth time since gaining back her consciousness in the hospital. "Harry, you big loveable idiot, get out of the house, please. I'm sick of seeing your face, I'm not a baby. Mum is here if I need anything. You are literally two minutes down the road if I decide I need attention before tomorrow. Anyway, I'm off to an unknown location with a mystery man, and I'm not telling you anything. Love you, byyyyyye."

Harry just stares after his sister's retreating back.

'Mystery man'

What the fuck is Gemma going to see a mystery man for after what just happened to her? Oh well, as she says, she's not a baby. Time to head out and take care of his own problem that is still slightly swollen and aching slightly in his too-tight skinny jeans.

Saying a very quick see you tomorrow, call if you need me to Anne, Harry is on his way in under five minutes.

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