Chapter Twenty Six: The reward....

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Thinking of how he could make Louis cum stretches his shower a little longer than necessary. He feels like he should edge Louis a few times before letting him cum, considering he didn't listen to Harry more than once. He also broke the door and turned a serious conversation dirty. Harry thinks if Louis is still sitting patiently, he'll suck him off. Then they can get back to their conversation. If he's touching himself or trying to get friction, he will leave him there while he makes food.

Walking back into the kitchen, he avoids looking at Louis to give him a chance to stop anything he may be doing. Having foregone clothing after his shower, he can feel Louis' heavy gaze on him. He should feel embarrassed walking around nude. They haven't exactly decided on what the future may hold but considering he was spread-eagled across the kitchen island twenty minutes ago, clothes seem pointless.

After making a fresh coffee, he turns slowly, keeping his eyes on the floor, drawing this out for as long as possible.

"So, maybe we should talk first."

He hears Louis' sharp breath intake and the handcuffs rattle. Harry knows Louis must be painfully hard if he has followed instructions, but he thinks Louis deserves this.

"Harry, please. Please let me cum. I'm so hard just for you. Please, Harry, please."

Louis is begging Harry so beautifully that Harry can't help but slide his eyes slowly up Louis' body. He admires his toned legs and how his hands are delicately crossed over each other, held in place by the handcuffs. The roundness of Louis' ass, the way his back is arched with how he is straddling the chair. Looking at Louis' perfectly sculpted face almost brings joy to Harry, but just the look of him makes his cock twitch. His pupils are blown. His forehead is dripping in sweat, tears are running down his cheeks, and his usually artfully messy hair is stuck to his forehead.

God, he needs to see Louis cum.

"Have you been a good boy Louis?"

"Yes, Harry, I've been so good. Sat here quietly waiting for you while you got clean."

Harry tips his head to the side like he's thinking about what Louis just said, blue eyes lock with green eyes, and Harry knows he will give this man anything he wants.

"I think you've been good enough to cum. Louis, should I make you do it yourself or give you a hand?"

Louis starts shaking his head furiously.

"Please don't make me do it alone, Harry! I'll do anything. Please, help me. I need you, Daddy."

"Okay, baby."

Harry steps in front of Louis, dropping to his knees, watching how Louis breathes come in short sharp bursts. He slowly unlocks the handcuffs from around Louis' dainty wrists. Standing up and walking behind Louis, he trails his fingertip lightly across Louis' shoulder blades.

"Turn around for me, baby."

Louis turns so quickly he almost topples straight out of the chair.

"Be careful. Don't want to break yourself before I get my hands on you, baby?"

"No, sorry."

He smiles down at Louis.

"Take your pants and briefs off for me."

Louis doesn't even stand. He slips them down his legs.

"Please, Harry, make me cum. We can play later."

Later. Interesting. Dropping back to his knees, he finally looks down at what Louis is packing.

"Holy fuck."

He sees Louis smirk above him.

"How the fuck does someone so small have such a big cock? Fuck I need it in my mouth."

Louis grabs his hair harshly,

"Stop talking and make me fucken cum before I take care of it myself, Harry!"

Placing his hand lightly around the base of Louis' throbbing cock Harry looks up at him through his lashes.

"Sure, baby."

Louis quietly mutters out a strained


Obviously, Harry knows Louis is going to explode quickly. He drops his mouth to the tip of Louis' cock, kitten licking the slit. He can feel the throbbing on his tongue. Suckling the precum, Harry decides fuck it. Let's show Louis how good he is at this. Swirling his tongue twice quickly, he moves his hands and slides the entirety of Louis' length into his mouth. Louis' cock hits the back of his throat harshly but thanks to his non-existent gag reflex, he keeps going without gagging. Swallowing around Louis, he can tell Louis is getting close already.

Pulling off, he says, "Cum for me, Louis. I want it down my throat. Let me taste you."

Throwing his head back, Louis groans. Harry goes back down on Louis' shaft, sucking, swirling his tongue, and digging his fingers into Louis' thick thighs.

"Gonna cum Harry, gonna-"

He feels Louis shoot hot ropes of cum down his throat, all while shouting his name. pulling off, he smirks up at Louis.

"Would you like tea so we can continue talking, Louis?"

Louis giggles, "Sure, H."

Whatever Harry did in his past life to have been granted Louis' dick in his mouth and cum down his throat, he's so grateful. Reality settles in as he stands and makes tea, it's time to talk.

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