Chapter Twenty Five: The dominance cont....

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Louis is going to be the death of Harry. That is confirmed with the look in Louis' eyes as Harry grips himself through his sweats.

"Why is that so hot? Yes, you can watch me. No touching me, though. Eyes only."

Louis nods so quickly that he looks like a bobblehead. Harry slides his pants and boxers down to his knees slowly. He can see Louis tracking his every movement. He watches Louis' breathing hitch as his cock springs free.

"It's perfect." Louis whimpers.

Smirking, Harry wraps a hand around his cock, pulling slowly, wanting to tease Louis but also waiting to see if Louis can control himself.

"Harry, go faster. I need to see you lose it."

Harry stops his movements looking up at Louis through his lashes,

"You aren't in control of me, Louis. I could do this in my bedroom and leave you alone, or you can shut up and enjoy it."

Whimpering, Louis drops his head down and whispers a very raspy,

"Sorry, Harry."

Satisfied with that answer, Harry gets up, sliding his pants and briefs down his legs, kicking them off to the side. walking over to the medicine cupboard and pulling out a bottle of lube, he goes towards the kitchen island. IF Louis wants a show then a show he will get. Sitting up on top of the counter, uncapping the lube and letting a small amount run across the head of his pulsating cock. Looking Louis dead in the eye he rasps,

"I bet you wish it was you doing this to me, don't you, Louis? Watching me get off, hoping one day it'll be you. Well, today isn't that day. Today you get to watch me, and my cock have all the fun."

Louis looks wrecked. His blue eyes were nothing but a small circle around his blown pupils, his face flushed a pretty pink, his lips bitten and puffy from him holding back his whimpers. Wrapping a hand around himself again, Harry leans back on his forearm, throwing his head back and letting out a deep, throaty moan.

"Ohhhhh Louis."

He wants to look at Louis but knows it will drive Louis mad if he acts like he isn't there. He runs his thumb over the leaking head of his cock, smearing precum as he pulls his hand up and down in a sensual slow motion. He can already feel that this is going to be a good wank. As he glides his hand faster up and down his shaft, he looks at Louis and stops immediately.

"What are you doing?"

Louis has the decency to look guilty but doesn't stop his hand from palming himself roughly.

"I couldn't hold on. I needed to touch."

"Well, that's not going to work for me, Louis. Stay there, do not move from your seat, and stop touching, now!"

Harry jumps down from the counter, his cock hard and heavy, smacking against his stomach as he stalks into his bedroom. He pulls out what he's looking for in his bedside drawer. Harry is hoping Louis is okay with the direction this is going in. Walking back into the kitchen, he sees Louis breathing deeply with his fingers digging deeply into his thighs. Louis whips his head up to look at Harry. Harry can see when Louis registers what he's holding as his eyes grow darker, and he holds his wrists out in front of him. Smirking, Harry asks Louis to stand up and turn around on the chair. He watches Louis' ass move while he straddles the chair, imagining what it would be like to have Louis riding his cock. Pulling Louis' hands through the bars on the back of the chair, he clicks the handcuffs into place.

"Now try to touch yourself, Louis. If I have to stop again, you won't see me finish. Understood?"

Louis nods but doesn't respond otherwise.

"Words, please, Louis."

"Yes, I understand, Daddy."

Oh fuck. He wasn't expecting that. Gripping the base of his cock tightly, Harry takes a few steadying breaths to stop himself from Cumming too quickly. He climbs back onto the countertop spreading his legs widely so Louis can get a good view of what he is missing. Spreading more lube on himself, Harry starts tugging himself faster. He needs to have an orgasm before he gets back to serious business with Louis. He wants to give up and have Louis ride him instead, but he's still mad at Louis, and torturing him seems like so much more fun. He swaps hands while moaning when he hears Louis whimpering his name. He knows what he must look like, all spread out touching himself, and he knows Louis is barely keeping it together. Knowing Louis is getting aroused, watching him do this makes Harry hot all over. He can feel himself getting closer, speeding his hand up and moaning.

"Louis, urgh, baby."

He looks over at Louis to see the man grinding against his forearm. He is too close to stop and punish him now. He needs to cum.

"I'm going to cum for you. Watch me make a mess for you."

He can feel his orgasm building in his lower belly. Before pulling at an alarming pace, He digs his fingernail into the slit roughly. He enjoys the pain so much. Tweaking his nipple with his other hand sends jolts down his spine.

"Lou, fuck, ohhhhh-"

He is cut off by his orgasm, ripping through him at a much harder pace than usual. Knowing Louis was watching made his orgasm more intense and lasted longer.


Coming down from his high, he can see Louis slack-jawed, staring at the creamy pool of cum on his stomach.

"I want to taste it, Harry, please."

Harry scoops some up, moving towards Louis on shaky limbs.

"Open up for me, baby."

Louis willingly opens his mouth and sucks Harry's fingers into his mouth.


Louis is moaning deliciously around his fingers, sucking them clean, swirling his tongue filthy around each finger. Harry grabs his jaw, making him look Harry in the eye.

"Do you think you were good enough to cum, Louis? Did you follow my instructions?"

With a guilty expression, Louis whispers, "No, Harry, I'm sorry for being bad."


"I'm going to shower. Don't move, and if you cum, this ends here."

Louis nods obediently up at Harry, who gulps. Who the fuck let this beautiful man be a sexual devil. Harry might die from this experience yet.

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