Chapter fifteen: The confusion....

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All Harry can hear is white noise and something high-pitched but undetectable.

What the bloody hell is happening? He left the bar, and then what? Why does he wake up hearing white noise but can't remember getting home?

Trying to open his eyes is not a good place to start. It sends a shooting pain through the middle of his skull and makes the noise much louder. What is that noise?

Okay, different tactic, Harry thinks. He'll start with checking his body instead.

Starting at his toes, he wiggles them. His toes move, but he can tell they are still in his boots. Why would he wear his boots to sleep? Weird.

Next, he moves his legs up and down slightly, they move, but there is pain somewhere. He can't determine what that pain is or why he would even be in pain.

Moving on to his fingers, Harry can move them freely, but there is another source of pain. He must be stuck in a dream because this doesn't make sense.

Trying to lift his arms is a no-go. They feel like they are made of bricks. The white noise in his ears has slowly turned into what sounds like voices, sirens, crying, yelling, and rain mixed.

"Harry, can you hear me?" An unknown voice in his house even though he's not sure he's in his house. His bed isn't this hard. He feels wet as well. Maybe he fell asleep in the shower, but that doesn't explain his boots being on or the unknown voice. What is happening to him?

"Harry, I've called Gemma. She is on her way. If you can hear me, please be okay." Why does that voice have an Irish accent? Harry only knows one Irishman, and that's Niall. Why would Niall be in his shower? It will be a long day if this is how it starts. Is he stuck between a dream and reality?

Starting to panic, Harry tries to open his eyes again. The pain in his head tears an animalistic scream from deep in his lungs. "Harry! Harry, please. Please stay still and take deep breaths. It's okay." What the fuck? Now Louis is in his shower too?

He's not enjoying this confusion. He listens to dream Louis and stays still, taking deep breaths. "Good boy Harry, you're doing so well. Niall, how long till the ambulance arrives? And where is Gemma? She said two minutes. He needs someone he trusts." Dream Louis is confusing him even more. Harry thinks he can feel hands on his face and a hand holding the sides of his head, but even that doesn't make sense. Nothing makes sense. Wait, maybe he was drugged at the bar? That would make sense why he feels so strange and hears voices.

"HARRY?! MOVE, YOU IDIOT, I'M HIS SISTER! DO NOT GET IN MY FUCKEN WAY! HARRY! WHAT THE FUCK?" Gemma is mad, great. She will find a way to blame him for whatever is happening.

"Gemma, please stop yelling. His head will hurt, so we need to be quiet around him until the ambulance takes over." Harry can hear dream Louis mention an ambulance again, but that confuses him more. Why does no one understand he's stuck in his dream?

"Louis, what the fuck are you doing here, and why the fuck did Niall tell me to come but give me no details? You better start explaining, kid." Harry can hear a siren, but it sounds like it is coming closer. Is that the ambulance Louis mentioned? Why is it coming closer? This is a dream. If you want an ambulance in your dream, it just appears. You shouldn't need it fading in. That sounds like a bad novel.

"The ambulance is here, Gemma. Let's get Harry sorted, and then we can talk at the hospital, okay? I saw it, so I'll have to give statements before I can talk to you. Just know it was an accident." Dream Louis responds so calmly, causing Harry to smile slightly, wishing he could dream of Louis more often.


"GEMMA! I said quietly." Dream Louis hisses at Gemma. This is so serious for a dream, Harry thinks. Why does he need sorting? The pain is getting so much worse. He needs to sleep, which makes no sense since he is already asleep.

"Hi team, I'm Michael, the ambulance officer here to take harry with us. Can someone explain to me what's going on?" Another unknown voice, but he doesn't know Michael, which is confusing for his dream. Since when do new characters pop into Harrys dreams?

Harry can't stand the pain anymore. As he slowly drifts into his sleep, he registers that his head is cushioned on something very soft. He doesn't have anything soft on his shower floor. Maybe he'll be lucky enough to continue this dream another night and fill in all the blanks.

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