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It was a fairly normal day today so far. Karlie and Taylor went to work, I stayed home with my babysitter Chloe and we played and watched a movie, and then Karlie and Taylor came home. It was a daily routine here and I liked it. Anyways Karlie and Taylor came home and Karlie took Chloe aside. I couldn't hear what they were saying but she was sympathetic.

"Ok bye Kim I'll see you tomorrow" Chloe said with a sympathetic smile

"Bye Chloe" I reply with a smile.

She left and Karlie came upto me with a soft smile

"So how was your day Kim" she asked sitting beside me

"Fine" I reply

"Hey Kim um I was at work today and we saw a kid around your age I was thinking maybe it would be a good time to start having you come for regular checkups and cleanings" she said sympathetically

"W what no Karlie" I whine

"It'll be ok sweetheart Taylor will be there the whole time and Chloe is going to bring you tomorrow so she'll be there too" she replied

Both Taylor and Karlie could tell I was panicking and were both extremely sympathetic. You see my sister Karlie was a dentist, Taylor was her assistant but she was in school for dentistry too.

"Kimberley what's making you so scared sweetheart" Taylor asked 

"It's scary" I whine

"When Kim lived with our parents instead of bringing her to me like I wanted them too they brought her to another place that traumatized her" Karlie said

"Oh, honey you know your sister won't hurt you" Taylor said.

"Y yes she will" I whimper nervously

"Kimberley you'll be fine just don't think about it ok" Karlie said softly

Tomorrow was not going to be a fun day I could feel it

My sister my biggest fear Where stories live. Discover now