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I watched Karlie swap out her tools before coming back over to the chair

"Alright I'm just going to rub this numbing gel around your tooth ok it'll just help numb you a little bit for the next bit" she said.

I nervously nodded opening my mouth letting her rub the gel around my mouth. She took the q-tip out but keeping her mirror in my mouth so I couldn't close it

"Alright bud I need you to stay as still as you can for me and close your eyes ok" Karlie said as Taylor grabbed onto my hands.

I nervously closed my eyes immediately feeling her poke something in my mouth. I tried to get my hands free but Taylor squeezed them tighter

"I know bear I'm sorry this parts almost done" she said sympathetically.

I opened my eyes looking up at her sadly. She took the needle out letting me close my mouth again.

"That's the hardest part bud your doing so well" she said softly.

"Am I done yet" I whimper

"Almost just need to actually fix your tooth now that's just going to help so you don't feel any pain ok" she said softly making me nod.

We waited a few minutes for it to start working before she grabbed something else from her tray twisting on the top

"Ok bud this is just really loud ok it's going to cause pressure but it shouldn't hurt if it does let us know and I'll stop and numb you up a bit more" she said softly.

I nervously nodded even though i knew if it hurt I wasn't going to say it hurt cause I didn't want poked again. She started the machine thing that made a loud noise and felt super uncomfortable when in contact with my tooth. I tried laying still as she finished off with that keeping her mirror in my mouth again making me panic

"It's ok bear this part won't hurt I'm just going to re fill your tooth" she said softly picking something up off the tray.

She filled my tooth replacing her mirror with this blue light thing before letting me close my mouth again

"We're just going to test that bite of yours and your all done alright" she said grabbing a piece of cardboard

"How do you do that" I ask nervously

"I'm just going to have you bite down on this for me" she said softly

I nodded and bit on the cardboard thing before she took it out.

"Perfect good job bud we're all done" she said softly leaning the chair up.

She took off her mask and gloves and cleaned up the room quickly before bringing me back out to my mom

"Hey Kaleb how'd it go" she asked

"Fine" I reply still super numb

"He did have a small cavity we fixed so he's a bit numb right now but that should wear off soon" Karlie said softly making my mom nod

We went to Karlie's place after all of that and ended up having a really fun rest of the night besides the dental stuff of course.

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