Kimberley's extraction

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"It looks like it's gonna hurt" I whine.

"Oh sweetie it will be over really quickly your sisters done this a bunch of times" Taylor said encouragingly

"I don't want too" I whine crawling under the desk

"Kimberley, sweetheart I won't hurt you but I do need you to come out from under there" Karlie said

"No not until you promise not to do it" I whine

"Princess if I don't take it out now it's going to start to hurt you, and then it's going to spread to other teeth and that's only going to make it a lot worse" She said

"I I I scared" I whine

"I know your scared i understand but I promise I'm going to be as gentle as I can and you can even sit in Taylor's lap if it makes you feel more comfortable then sitting in the chair" Karlie replied

I crawled out from under the desk and looked up at her. She had her mask under her chin and gave me a soft smile

"Here hun we'll do this on our laps ok" Karlie said picking me up and sitting me on Taylor's lap.

Taylor turned me to face her and her and my sister moved there stools together.

"Ok hun wanna lay back" Taylor said softly.

I laid down so I was laying down in there laps and Taylor was holding my hands tightly.

"Alright hun I'm just gonna rub some jelly on your gums it's gonna be a bit cold but it'll help numb your gums a little bit alright" Karlie said softly making me hesitantly nod.

I opened my mouth and she rubbed the jelly around my gums.

"Ok princess I need you to stay very still for me alright" she said grabbing something else off the tray.

I felt her poke the needle" in my mouth making me squirm

"Your ok it's alright we're almost done" she said  before taking it out and disposing it.

She let me sit up for a minute as tears rolled down my face.

"Your ok honey your almost done ok that was probably the hardest part" Taylor said sympathetically wiping my tears off my face.

"Do you think we can get that tooth out now hun" Karlie asked

"Ok" I whimper nervously.

They laid me back down in there laps and Karlie grabbed the pliers off the tray

"Alright open big for me" she said softly

I nervously opened my mouth and felt her grip onto the tooth

"Alright so it'll be nice and quick ok" she said softly as she wiggled the tooth a bit to get it looser

Taylor was still holding my hands right as Karlie went and pulled the tooth. I went to react and burst up but they kept me laying down

"Your alright it's all done I'm just gonna put some gauze in your mouth to stop the bleeding" Karlie said.

She stuck gauze in the place of the tooth and I was laying there whimpering

"You did so good I'm so proud of you" Karlie said softly as they let me sit up.

I clung onto Taylor as I tried to calm down. We went home and Karlie brought Chloe home when I stayed with Taylor. I was happy it was done but I also wasn't happy with my sister right now

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