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Karlie grabbed a mask and gloves putting them on as she sat behind the chair. I got nervous and sat up shaking

"Kaleb are you ok" Karlie asked as she pulled down her mask to sit on her chin.

"Karlie I don't want to do this" I whimper

"I know bear but I promise I'm not going to hurt you I'll be super gentle and we can do this quickly as long as you allow me too, I'll explain everything before I do it and you can hold Taylor's hand the whole time" she said softly.

Bear was a nickname Karlie's had for me since I was born. I nervously looked over at Taylor and back over to Karlie before laying back down

"Thanks" Karlie said softly as she pulled her mask back up.

"So to start I just wanna take a quick look and make sure you have no sugar bugs on your teeth" she said softly

"Like cavities" I ask

"Yes exactly" She replied grabbing two tools from her tray

"What are those" I ask panicked

"Oh these well this is just a mirror it'll help me get a closer look at those teeth, and the other one is an explorer it's just going to help me see if you've got any cavities at all" She said softly

"W what does it do" I ask nervously

"All I'm going to do is tap on your tooth and see if it gets stuck anywhere" she said softly

"Ok" I say nervously

"Do you think we can go ahead and get this part over with" Karlie asked making me nod nervously.

"Perfect, can you open your mouth for me" she asked.

I hesitantly opened my mouth and she started tapping on my teeth. It felt super weird and uncomfortable but I laid there as she continued till I felt the tool get stuck in my tooth. She didn't really say anything but kept going so I was hoping it wasn't a cavity

"Ok buddy you do have a small cavity here it won't be too hard to fix but do to your dental anxiety it is probably best to get it fixed while your here" Karlie said as she took her tools out of my mouth.

"N no p please" I whimper

"Aw it's alright bear I promise you'll be ok it really won't take too long" She said

"I I I'm scared" I whimper

"I know and that's ok, I'm going to be completely honest with you it may be uncomfortable it may hurt a bit at times but it's only a small cavity meaning it won't take long to fix and we should be out of here in no time" Karlie said

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