Later that day

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The entire time Karlie and Taylor were at work all I could think about was the fact I needed a dental checkup too and I was trying so hard not to think about it and freak out but I couldn't help it. A couple hours later Karlie and Taylor came back home

"Hey Kim why don't you go up to your room and play for a bit ya" Karlie said softly making her nod and run upstairs

I nervously gulped not looking forward to this at all.

"Ok Chloe so here's the deal we're going to go downstairs we'll take a quick look do a cleaning if anything wrong we'll fix it at the end and I can drop you off at home" Karlie said seeing how panicked I got

"I I don't know about this" I say nervously

"I promise I'll be gentle we'll get through this just as easy as the last one" she said encouragingly

I looked over at Taylor with a look of fear and help me in my face

"You'll be alright Chloe you got this I'll be with you the whole time you can squeeze my hands if you need to" she replied.

"Can I like not" I ask nervously

"I've said it once and I'll say it again hun if you don't do it today your just gonna have to do it another day wouldn't you rather just get it over with and not have to worry about it" Karlie said

"Fine" I gulp nervously

I know I shouldn't be so scared but Karlie in dental mode kinda panics me and I can kinda see how Kimberley doesn't like it when she's like that.

My sister my biggest fear Where stories live. Discover now