Kimberley's checkup & cleaning

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Neither me or Austin replied making her sigh

"I think last time Austin went first so Kim that means technically you should go first to make it fair" Karlie said

"I'm uh males first" I say nervously

"I think the saying is ladies first" Austin said

"Come on Kim we can be nice and quick" Karlie said softly as she patted the chair

I hesitantly went and sat in the chair uncontrollably shaking

"You're gonna be fine hun" She said softly as she leaned the chair back and readjusted the light

"Maybe we could do this another day I mean you may be busy" I say nervously as I sat up

"Kimberley she chose today for a reason so your doing this today" Taylor replied softly as she pushed me back down

"After you two my day isn't that busy Chloe's gonna come watch you we'll go to work for a couple hours then come home and chill" Karlie said getting her mask and gloves on as she sat behind the chair

"I'm scared" I whimper

"You'll be alright I promise" She said softly

"Can you open for me" she asked as her tools hovered over my mouth

"Mm mm" I say shaking my head keeping my mouth tightly closed

"Kim I can't do my job unless you open" Karlie said

I hesitantly opened my mouth and she immediately skipped her tools in

"Relax for me hun your ok" she said softly as she opened my mouth wider for her

She started checking my teeth and I watched her very closely

"Kim we're gonna talk about you getting braces hun" Karlie said sympathetically making me jump away from her and close my mouth

"No thank you" I whimper

"I didn't say we're gonna do them today I said we're going to talk about it we'd need to wait a bit longer till we actually do anyway" she said sympathetically

"Am I done now" I whine

"We still need to clean your teeth can you give me a couple more minutes for that" She asked making me nod and open my mouth again

Taylor came and held my hands making me know my sister was going to use the same pointy tool as last time right before she started scraping at my gum lines. I whimpered through it till she took it out and started polishing my teeth. She finally finished letting me sit up and rinse my mouth out. I jumped out of the chair happy to be done as my sister turns to Austin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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