Kimberley's checkup

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"Ok Kim your up" Karlie said

"I am not doing that and don't try that dental game trick on me either" I whimper

"Kim your gonna be fine Taylor's really good at this it'll be done in no time" she said as she came over

"No I'm not doing it" I whine sitting on the floor in the corner

"Kim it's ok you know I won't hurt you" Taylor said

Karlie came and picked me up bringing me over to the chair and I started kicking

"Kimberley your fine stop the fuss please" Karlie said as she placed me down

"No" I whine going to jump down but Karlie held me there

"I don't think so missy, I'm sorry but you have to get your teeth checked" she said as she sat on the stool beside me but kept a hold of me.

"I don't want too" I whimper

"No one wants too but you have too" she replied as Taylor leaned the chair back.

I looked up at Taylor in fear and she gave me a soft sympathetic smile in return

"Your gonna be ok princess I promise I'll be super gentle I won't hurt you" she said encouragingly

"P promise" I whimper

"Yes I promise, it'll be done in no time it's just a quick checkup and cleaning ok" she said softly

"What if I have a cavity though" I whimper nervously

"Well if you have a cavity then we'll deal with that after but this is the easy part I just wanna look" she said softly

"Ok" I reply hesitantly

"You'll be fine" she said as she sat behind the chair putting on her mask and gloves

I gulp nervously as she grabbed her mirror and explorer from the tray

"Ok open your mouth for me hun" she said softly

I nervously opened my mouth and she started checking my teeth. I laid still as she finished and started polishing my teeth.

"You do have a small cavity hun but it shouldn't take too long to fix" she said as she continued cleaning my teeth.

I looked up at Karlie nervously and she gave me a encouraging smile

"Your ok your doing so good" Karlie said softly.

Taylor finished and took her tools out of my mouth letting me close it.

"Imma give you a little break and we can get that cavity filled" she said

"Do we have to do that right now" I whimper nervously

"Honey I do think it is best to get this over with now while it is small I promise it'll be so much easier on you to get it done now rather then wait for it to get bigger and possibly cause more issues" Taylor said

"Ok" I reply nervously

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