Meet Kaleb

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"Kaleb come on buddy we've got to go now" my mom called up the stairs

Hi I'm Kaleb, I'm Karlie and Kimberley's little cousin. I'm 5 years old and today we were going to Karlie's house. I was kind of nervous considering I haven't seen them in a while.

"I'm coming" I call back.

I run down the stairs getting my shoes on and grabbing my coat

"Kaleb we're going to be making a quick stop along the way ok" my mom said

"Ok" I reply following her to the car

She drove for a little while till we were in the town Karlie and Kimberly lived in. We live in different towns which is why it's a little harder to see each other often. Anyways she pulled outside this big building before getting out of the car. I looked around having no clue where we were. My mom took my hand before we went inside making me stop at the door. There were teeth everywhere immediately letting me know we were at the dentist

"Mom" I whimpered nervously

"It's ok buddy we're meeting Karlie here" she said already knowing I hated the dentist.

She picked me up and carried me upto the desk as I was shaking

"Hi we're here to see Karlie" My mom said to the lady at the desk

"Yeah of course I'll go let her know you're here" she said standing up and leaving.

She shortly came back out and this time Karlie was with her

"Hey aunt Kayla, Hi Kaleb oh my goodness you've grown so much buddy" Karlie said softly.

I shy'd away and hid my face in my moms neck

"I'm sorry he's just being shy he also hates being at the dentist so he's probably scared" My mom said

"It's ok we're used to it here, it's ok bud you have nothing to be afraid of" Karlie said encouragingly

"Kaleb while we're here I thought it may be a good idea for you to see Karlie as a dentist and maybe get you out of this fear a little bit" My mom said softly

"Mommy" I whimper

"You'll be ok bud" she said putting me down

"Wanna come back with me buddy" Karlie said softly offering me her hand.

I nervously took it and she brought me back to a room while my mom waited in the waiting room. We went inside the room where Karlie's best friend Taylor was and I stayed attached to my cousin

"Hey Kaleb how are you doing buddy" she said softly seeing how nervous I was

"I'm ok" I say nervously

"Ok bud wanna go ahead and take a quick seat for me" Karlie said softly

"Do I have too" I ask nervously

"I'm sorry buddy but I won't hurt you, you know that" she said 

I nervously went over to the chair and sat down. Karlie gave me a soft smile as she came and laid it back

"Alright buddy we're going to take this fully at your pace ok if you need any breaks raise your hand squeeze Taylors hand give us any indication and I'll stop whatever I'm doing alright" she said softly making me nod nervously

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