Kimberleys check up

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I was not happy I didn't want to have to have another cavity.

"Do you wanna get this done with now" she said grabbing her mirror and explorer.

I looked up at her hesitantly before opening my mouth.

"Thanks hun" she replied softly starting to check my teeth

I laid there nervously wanting to pretty much cry as I felt the tools on my teeth

"We're almost done hun your doing so well I need you to stay still for me alright" she said as she took her explorer out grabbing something else off her table making me panic

"Your ok Kim your doing so well" Taylor said  coming and sitting beside the chair.

I got nervous as Karlie started scraping at my  gum lines. It hurt so much. Taylor could tell I was uncomfortable and she grabbed my hands squeezing them encouragingly

"Your doing so good princess she's almost done" she said encouragingly.

We heard the house door open and close and Chloe was calling for us.

"We're in the basement Chlo" Taylor called

"Ok" she called back before coming down.

Karlie switched to the polisher and started polishing my teeth as Chloe came into the room.

"Oh sorry I was told to come at 12" she said

"No your good your on time" Karlie said putting the polisher down and leaning me up.

I immediately jumped out of the chair and jumped in Chloe's arms

"Hey Kim you good" she asked

"Y yeah" I reply sadly

"Your fine Kimberley it wasn't that bad" Karlie said as she cleaned up the room we were in.

"Hey Chloe when we get back tonight it's also been 6 months for you so I was thinking we could go ahead and get you done as well" Karlie said with a sympathetic smile seeing her freeze

"Oh uh ok" she replied hesitantly

Karlie and Taylor went off to work and me and Chloe went upstairs to get out of the scary basement.

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