Chloe's cavities

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"Alright Chloe how about you come take a seat and we'll do the filling first then the extraction" Karlie said softly

"I uh I really don't think that's a good idea" I say nervously

"Chloe she won't hurt you hun you've had a bunch of fillings before it'll be ok" Taylor said

"I I just can't" I reply nervously

"Taylor will hold your hands the whole time just like normal and I'll be as gentle as I can Chloe, I know your moms not here this time but I'm not going to hurt you I promise" Karlie said softly.

"I I can't" I whimper

"Well hun the other alternative is having you come back tomorrow and I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that" she said making me shake my head.

"See so we could get this all over with today and that'll be all for 6 months" Karlie said encouragingly

"P please don't hurt me" I whimper

"I'll be very gentle I promise" she replied.

I went and laid in the chair as she changed her mask and gloves

"Ok hun just open for me it's just the gel first" she said softly making me open my mouth.

She rubbed the gel around one of my cavities keeping it there allowing me to close. Shortly after she had me open again and took it out. Taylor grabbed my hands immediately making me know what was happening next and a tear slid out of my eye.

"Your alright hun" Karlie said before poking the numbing needle in my mouth.

My breathing started hyperventilating as she finished off the needle taking it out

"Chloe hun I need you to breathe for me alright, deep breaths" she said.

She mimicked breaths for me to follow which I did finally allowing me to calm down

"We have one more tooth to numb hun but we'll go ahead and do this filling first" she said before grabbing the drill.

I opened my mouth again and she started drilling out my one cavity. She finished fairly quickly filling it up and drying it before grabbing another Q-tip and sticking it in my mouth.

"Kimberley come this is the part I want you to watch so you know what I'm going to do ok" Karlie said turning to her little sister.

Kimberley came over hesitantly and sat down beside Taylor

"What's that" she asked nervously motioning to the q tip in my mouth

"It's a q-tip it's got some numbing gel on it so that she won't feel the numbing injection" Karlie said already knowing I could feel it.

Karlie took out the q tip before picking up the needle.

"Open hun" she said softly

I nervously opened and she poked the needle in my mouth. Because Kimberley was watching me this time I didn't want to react much and Taylor was tightly holding my hands. She took the needle out of my mouth and let it start working.

"D does that hurt" Kimberley whimpers

"That's what the numbing gel helps with princess" Karlie replies.

We waited about 5 minutes till she picked up pliers

"Ok hun let's open and finish this up alright" she said

I opened my mouth and she pulled the tooth out making me jump. She replaced it with gauze finally letting me sit up again. That wasn't fun and I think I just scared Kimberley even more with the way I was acting I actually fell horrible. Karlie changed the tools and her mask and gloves

"Ok Kim you're up" Karlie said turning to her little sister

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