Kimberleys checkup

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I nervously went and sat down in the chair and Karlie laid it back immediately making me stay sitting up.

"Can you lay back for me sweetheart" Karlie asked softly.

I nervously laid down looking up at her nervously.

"You'll be ok princess we're just going to take a quick look" Karlie said putting her mask and gloves on.

"Do you mind opening for me I'll be quick" Karlie said

I nervously opened my mouth and she started checking my teeth. I was very nervous and whimpering so Taylor grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked over at her and she gave me an encouraging smile

"Your doing so well sweetheart your almost done" Taylor said encouragingly

"7 may need extracted" Karlie said before continuing on.

She took her tools out of my mouth before she started polishing my teeth.

I panicked at the sound making Karlie stop.

"Are you ok princess" she asked

"Y yeah" I whine

"Your alright I'm just brushing your teeth just like at home I know the noise can be annoying but I'll be all done soon" she said.

I opened my mouth again and she continued cleaning my teeth. She finished fairly quickly and took it out letting me rinse my mouth out.

"Ok sweetheart you do have a tooth here that does have some sugar bugs on it, it's a baby tooth so I was hoping we could just take it our when I have you here" Karlie said

"N no p please" I whine

"I'm sorry princess you have to I'll be gentle I promise" she replied

"C Chloe first" I whimper

"I could do Chloe first ya that works" she said making me jump out of the chair and hover the corner

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