Chloes checkup

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I followed Karlie and Taylor downstairs to the basement where I found them this afternoon but stopped at the door.

"You can come take a seat hun" Karlie said seeing me

"I think I'm ok right here" I say nervously

"Chloe your alright come sit I won't do anything yet I promise" she replied

I gulped nervously before going and sitting in the chair

"See this won't be so bad" she said leaning the chair back.

I could feel the panic rush through my body as I was consistently shaking.

"Your ok hun your doing so well" Taylor said encouragingly as she sat on the stool beside me.

"I'm just going to turn on the light and we're going to go ahead and get started ok" Karlie asked softly making me nod hesitantly.

I was terrified cause I knew I was having pain and I didn't know what was bothering me.

She put on the light and put her mask and gloves on before sitting behind the chair grabbing tools

"Alright hun can you open for me" she asked softly.

I nervously opened my mouth and she started poking around at my teeth. Taylor was holding my hands knowing I have a tendency to react a lot and it just kept everyone in the room safe.

"Can I trust you to stay still for me" Karlie asked taking the tools out of my mouth and swapping out the explorer making me close my mouth immediately

"Y yeah" I reply

"If it hurts at any point squeeze Taylor's hands and I'll stop" she said softly making me nod.

"Alright open again" she said softly making me open my mouth.

She started scaling my teeth making me close my eyes tightly, the poking and pinching my gums was not my favourite part. I squeezed Taylor's hands letting her know it hurt

"Your ok hun, your doing well do you need a break" Taylor asked making me squeeze her hand again letting her know yes.

Karlie stopped and took her tools out of my mouth letting me close it.

"Your doing so good hun your bottom teeth are pretty much done it's just your top ones now" she said softly.

"Do you have to" I ask nervously

"I know it sucks hun but we're almost done we should probably finish the top teeth it's just helping me get all that plaque out it helps prevent cavities" she said softly

"Ok" I whimper

"Do you think we can finish this up now" she asked making me nod.

I opened my mouth again and she started on the top teeth. I kept my eyes shut as she finished up before taking it out of my mouth.

"We're just gonna polish them and then I'll bring you home and talk to your mom ok" she said making me nod.

She polished my teeth before letting me get out of the chair. She cleaned up quickly before bringing me home and coming inside with me.

"Hey Karlie" my mom said greeting her after seeing her walk in

"Hey Marissa just a quick thing before I run Chloe's wisdom teeth are in so really should think about getting those taken out" she said l making me freeze

"More extractions" I whimper

"Yeah I'm sorry hun but you'd be put to sleep for these ones" she replied

"Asleep" I panic

"Chloe it's not that bad I've been through it you'll be fine, yeah definitely should get those taken out are you able to call us with a date you can do that" my mom asked

"Yeah of course I'll look at my calendar and let you know" she replied before leaving.

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