At the office

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The next morning came way too quickly. Karlie and Taylor were already at the office and I was with Chloe.

"So I heard you know what's happening today" Chloe said

"Can we just skip it" I whine

"I'm sorry Kim we can't, but we can go somewhere fun afterwards" she said softly

"I don't want to go" I cry

"Kimberley Karlie's going to be super gentle hun I promise" she replied

We waited until noon which is what time we had to leave.

"Ok Kimberly let's go" Chloe said giving me a sympathetic smile.

I whimpered but nodded anyways and left with Chloe. We walked over to my sisters office. We went inside and up-to the desk where Taylor was.

"Hey guys you can come on back" Taylor said giving us a soft smile.

We followed her back into a room where my sister was on the computer. She looked up giving us a welcoming smile

"Hey guys you can come in and take a seat just give me one minute" she said typing something on her computer.

Me and Chloe both sat at the side of the room I wasn't ready to sit in the chair yet. Karlie turned back around seeing us both at the side

"Ok Kim wanna come take a seat" she said softly

"N not really" I whimper

"Wanna see what I'm going to do" she asked making me nod

"Ok, Chloe sit" Karlie said making her face drop

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