6 months later

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"Kim let's just get this done with" Karlie called up the stairs

"No" I called back

"Kimberley now" she called

"I don't wanna" I cry

It went silent and I didn't hear anything until Taylor came into my room.

"Kimberley what's going on hun" Taylor asked

"L last time she hurt me" I whimper

"I know extractions aren't fun sweetheart but she tried to be as gentle as she can and she'll do the same today she just needs you to come and cooperate with her" she said

"Is she mad at me" I whimper

"No hun she's not mad she understands your afraid but she just wants what's best for you" Taylor said

"The basement is scary" I whimper

"Well it's less scary and less intimidating then the office" she replied encouragingly

I finally agreed and we went downstairs and went to the basement where my sister was waiting in the little exam room she made up. You see, Karlie made a dental office room downstairs so we don't have to keep going to the office days she doesn't want too.

"You ready Kim" Karlie asked seeing how nervous I was

"I I I don't know" I whimper nervously

"I won't hurt you hun come take a seat" she said softly

I nervously went and sat down in the chair and she laid it back.

"Alright hun so just like last time I'm gonna just take a look first then we'll clean your teeth and then if anything's wrong we'll fix it at the end" she said softly as she grabbed a mask and gloves and put them on.

"Please no cavities" I whimper

"I can't make you have no cavities sweetheart but if you've been taking care of your teeth like your supposed too you shouldn't have any" she said softly

My sister my biggest fear Where stories live. Discover now