Kimberley's filling

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I was pretty much curled up on the chair while Taylor set up whatever she needed for a filling

"You ok to start hun" she asked as she sat back down behind the chair

"I guess" I say nervously.

"Lay on back down for me and we'll let this numbing gel start working yeah" she said softly as she grabbed a q tip

I laid back down and she pulled me up to the top of the chair

"Alright hun open for me" she said softly.

I opened my mouth and she rubbed the q tip on my gums which made me super nervous looking up at my sister

"Your good" Karlie said grabbing my hands squeezing them tight.

"Just a quick pinch hun" Taylor said as she replaced the q tip with a needle keeping her mirror in my mouth.

She poked the needle in my mouth making me squirm and my sister tried to hold me still

"Your ok honey you got this" she said

Taylor took the needle out letting me sit up

"We'll just let that start working ok" She said making me nod.

I laid in silence as my mouth started feeling numb and tingly. A few minutes later Taylor came and sat back behind the chair

"Ready to get this over with" she asked softly

"Y yeah" I reply nervously.

I opened my mouth for her again and she started drilling out my cavity. I tried to lay still till she finished. She filled it back up and dried it with the blue light before leaning the chair back up

"Thanks Taylor" I say jumping out of the chair immediately

I was so happy to be done and able to go back home

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