Austins checkup

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When we were asked who wanted to go first me and Kimberley looked at each other in fear.

"Karlie you could probably do Austin first he's seen you as a dentist before so he pretty much knows what to expect" Taylor said making Karlie agree

"Teffy" I whimper nervously

"Your ok bud she won't hurt you you know that" she replied

"I don't want too" I whimper backing up

"Come here bud your fine" she said coming over and picking me up

"Teffy no" I whine

"Your ok you'll be fine" Taylor said putting me in the chair

"Teffy" I whine

"Austin your going to be ok she's going to be gentle you need to calm down alright" Taylor said as she sat on the stool beside me.

"I don't want too" I whine jumping out of the chair as it was being leaned back

"Wanna just hold him" Taylor sighed

"Let's give him one more chance, hey Austin how about we think about this a different way buddy" Karlie said leaning the chair back up.

I looked at her nervously but still kept my guard

"How bout you come take a seat and we will talk about this a bit better" she said

I nodded and went and sat down on the chair

"Ok I'm just gonna lay you back ok I won't do anything yet" she said softly before laying the chair back and moving it up.

"Alright buddy so we're going to try and make this as less scary as we possibly can ok" she said grabbing her mask and gloves sitting behind the chair.

"Y you said we'd talk first" I say nervously

"We're gonna talk I just wanna be ready to start first" she said softly as she put her mask and gloves on the tray.

"How about we play a little game yeah" she asked softly making me nod.

She leaned the chair back up and moved her stool to the other side of me

"How about we play dentist I'll let you look at my teeth and then you can let me look at yours does that sound like a deal" Karlie asked softly

"Ok deal" I reply

"Perfect" she said going and grabbing another mirror.

"Here bud" she said handing me the mirror as I take it.

"You know what your doing" Karlie asked

"You look for little spots" I reply

"Pretty much yep" she replied

"Ok" I reply.

Karlie let me look at her teeth with the little mirror and I found it kind of fascinating

"Do you think I could look at your teeth now" she asked softly knocking my train of thought

I nervously nodded and she leaned the chair back down and put her mask and gloves on. She let me keep hold of the mirror while she grabbed her mirror and explorer from the tray

"Alright can you open for me" she said softly

I nervously opened my mouth and she scanned around my teeth. I kept my eyes shut really tightly as she finished up and started cleaning them

"Your doing so good buddy" she said softly as she polished my teeth.

She took her tools out letting me spit everything out and leaned me back up

"See it wasn't so bad your all done" Karlie said encouragingly as she cleaned up

"Thank you" I say jumping out of the chair happy to be done

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