Checkup day

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I was curled up in my bed hiding from my sister because it was checkup day. Austin was hiding too but due to the crying I heard I'm assuming her or Taylor found him already. I was expecting Karlie to come in and find me but instead Taylor did.

"Kimberley hun we've got to go get this done" she said sympathetically as she sat on the side of my bed and pulled the blankets off of my head

"I don't want too" I whine

"I know hun we're gonna just go ahead and do it downstairs so we don't need to go to the office and your sister will be gentle she won't hurt you" she said softly

"No I can't" I whimper

"Yes you can you got this I'll be down there with you you can hold my hand if you want and she'll be nice and quick" she said encouragingly

"Taylor" I whine

"Kimberley your not getting out of this princess I'm sorry let's go your sister and Austin are waiting for us" she said sympathetically as she picked me up carrying me downstairs

"I don't want too" I cry squirming and kicking trying to get away

"Woah Kim calm down" My sister said sympathetically seeing me struggling in Taylor's arms

"You can't make me" I whine

"You'll be fine hun I just wanna check your teeth" She said softly.

Taylor carried me down to the basement as my sister dragged Austin before closing and locking the room door on us.

"Alright now who wants to go first" my sister asked

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