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So it's been a couple years I am 8 years old now Taylor is a fully registered dentist and her and Karlie work in the same clinic. Taylor and Karlie have new assistants that work with them, I haven't really had to go to the dentist much thankfully and Taylor's little brother Austin moved in with us he's the same age as I am and I think we both hate the dentist just as much as well.

Taylor and Karlie were talking about how we both could do with a checkup and cleaning at some point soon but we weren't quite told when. Me and Austin were drawing at the kitchen table when our siblings came in.

"Morning guys" Karlie said with a sympathetic smile immediately making us know something was up

"Morning" I reply on behalf of both of us.

"Hey guys so we were thinking it's about time for your cleanings and because we're off today we'll have the whole office to ourselves" Taylor said 

"I knew something was up" I whimper

"We're gonna do this a little differently though" Karlie said

"How different" Austin asked hesitantly

"Well Kim you'll be with me" Taylor said

"And Austin you'll be with me" Karlie replied

"W will we go at the same time" I ask hesitantly

"No hun the reason we're doing it this way is so your sister will be there for you and I'll be there for Austin through your appointments" Taylor said softly

"Teffy I don't really want to do this" Austin whimpers

"You'll be fine buddy" Taylor said

"Let's go get this over with ok" Karlie said.

We left the house and went over to Taylor and Karlie's office where there assistants Selena and Gigi were.

"Hey Sel can you check these two in for us" Karlie asked

"Yep I'm on it" she replies with a soft smile.

We followed our sisters to the exam room and Taylor closed the door behind us all.

"Who wants to go first" Karlie asked making me and Austin look at each other nervously.

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