Chapter One: The Truth

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***Hello fellow Wattpad-ers! This is my first story here on Wattpad and it's a very different genre for me. I tend to write mystery/thrillers and poetry, this story, however, is sci-fi/fantasy. I would love if you could read it and let me know what you think! The first chapter may be a bit confusing, but it all makes sense at the end of chapter one. Please vote and comment your opinion!

I'm really keen on feedback, critical or appreciative, as long as it makes me a better writer!

Also, I chose a generic name for the protagonist for now (Emma). I had a couple of ideas, so if you could tell me in the comments which name you like the best, I might change it! Or, if you have any suggestions for a name, feel free to let me know!

Some of my ideas were:

1. Azula

2. Mae

3. Kelsya

4. Raina

5. Keep Emma!





Important Note: Emma's name has been changed to Raina.


Chapter One: The Truth

             The girl gripped onto the metal bar hanging dangerously low to the ground that whizzed past. All of her muscles were tensed and her face was a vibrant shade of red. Carefully, she tilted her head backwards to see an upside down road; Her platinum blonde hair dragged along the dirt and she snapped her head back up. The girl smiled to herself, the toppled city was fast approaching. The truck had begun to slow a bit, and she knew that she was close to the gate. Would the guards inspect the truck? She couldn’t remember--it’d been so long since her last time sneaking into the city . It hadn’t gone as planned, to say the least, which is why she’d waited five months to go again.


             She had put on her mother’s emerald green cloak and crept silently into the bed of a truck. The hood of the cloak had covered her lilac eyes, and the sleeves were long enough to shield a small, almost unnoticeable, scar on her left wrist. Once through the intense black gates that worried any wannabe intruder, she had headed towards the largest marketplace within seventy yards of the entrance. The girl didn’t want to venture too far into the city, otherwise she’d probably never come out. It was a Thursday, the busiest day for markets. She chose one that she knew well--a small vegetable cart. The girl had casually walked by, eyeing which products she would take. The vendor, a pompous man with a large, burly moustache, was busy tending to another customer. She had approached the vendor directly adjacent to the man’s cart. A petite brunette woman was selling fruits. With a devious grin, she had informed the lady that Walden, the owner of the vegetable cart, had been spraying toxins on her fruit, which is why over half of them had spoiled; the incident had nearly run her out of business. Furious, the lady yelled at Walden to come over. This was the girl’s opportunity. She walked away from the soon to be argument and slipped four potatoes and a head of celery up her enormous sleeves.  She quickly galavanted away from the scene, but halted in her tracks when she had felt a large hand on her shoulder. It was Walden, madder than ever. She smiled haphazardly then sprinted away. He yelled after her, “Thief! Thief!”


            The hood of the cloak fell off of her head and she scrambled to put it back on. The gates were right in front of her, but just as she was about to leave, they started to swing shut. No, she couldn’t be trapped in this city. Desperate for a way out, she dashed away from the gate towards the heart of Alzhart. There was one person on the Inside that she knew she could trust, but where was his shop? After running around aimlessly for a few minutes, she had run towards the west end, where an enormous stone wall blocked her exit. Out of breath and anxious, she dove under a bush matching the color of her cloak. Night was falling quickly, but there was no way that she could escape the city until it was dark.

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