Chapter Six: The White Room

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                             I am happy to be posting chapter six..but I really really hope this gets the support that my first two chapters got. Idk I feel like no one is really reading it anymore....ugh idk.          

 I will be posting Chapter One of my One Direction Fanfic in a week or so!! Except I have a problem....I HAVE NO IDEAS FOR A TITLE!!! O.o If you have any suggestions, PM me or post on my message board and I will give you a quick synopsis! :)



Love you!



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Recap Chapter Five:

I woke up screaming and panting. I ran over to where Stella was, but there was nothing there. I looked around and began to gather my senses.  It was a nightmare, a cruel, abhorrent nightmare; It took me several minutes to assure myself and to return my heart rate to normal. I pressed my eyes together and drew in long, deep breaths.

It was only a nightmare, I reminded myself. Breathe. I sat on the ground with my head tucked in between my knees for about fifteen minutes, steadying my breath. Once I was calm enough to continue, I stood up and found some red berries perched on a bush. I grabbed a handful of them and smeared the juice onto a white birch tree trunk. I wiped the remnants of the berries onto the grass and started towards the narrow path that led further away from Alzhart. I was only about a quarter of a mile deeper into the woods when I heard it. A ringing noise. It was soft at first, not quite so noticeable, but nonetheless I heard it. I waited for a few moments and then continued on, but as I ventured further into the forest the noise became louder and louder. I spun around and looked around me; I peered up at a large gap in the trees and was met with a vibrant sun. Soon, I was encompassed by a dark gray shadow--something was blocking the sunlight. A cloud? No, it would still be somewhat bright, I was in complete darkness.

A white light flooded the sky, burning my eyes. I stumbled backwards and landed on a tree root, shielding my eyes from the searing brightness. A gruff voice boomed through the forest.

“Emma. You are summoned to the Courthouse of Alzhart immediately. I highly suggest that you come, we have something that you may want back.” The voice chuckled and all of a sudden an image exploded into the sky, it took a few seconds for it to clear.


It can’t be.

Chapter Six: The White Room

     “NO!!!” I screamed, frozen in place, too utterly shocked to move. It was Tristan, Stella, and the Fortress. Their hands were tied behind their backs and Stella and Xavier were sobbing. Tristan’s face was red, his veins swollen and tense, pulsating like he was afraid, but resisting the urge to burst into tears.

   The voice returned.

    “If you do not come they will be...disposed.” It chuckled, I screamed again. The laughing halted and the gruff voice came back, angered. “You have one hour." The light disappeared and the gap in the trees closed up, leaving me trapped in a shadow. I gasped and turned back towards the city, shouting.

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