Chapter Five: Emlyn's Secret

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PS my goal for “Paranoia” was at least 150 reads since it’s just a short story, so let’s try to make that happen! :D

Hopefully “Pure” can climb back up on the What’s Hot List! Your wonderful comments and votes help that along!

Okay, I actually have a relatively short author’s note this time, YAYYY!

Enjoy Chapter 5!



RECAP (Ch 4)

“Well, this plant is called Rozetizzle. As a Pure, you have the ability to harness its’ energy; The energy from this plant will give you the strength that you need to teleport-which is otherwise very exhausting--as well as making it easier to manipulate a subject’s thoughts.” Emlyn explained.

 “Manipulate a subject’s thoughts?” I repeated, puzzled. Emlyn must have noticed this. “Here,” he said, slowly rising, his old limbs struggling to remember how to walk. “I will show you.”

“Really, it’s alright, I don’t want you to injure yourself.” He laughed warm heartedly and continued to shuffle along the stained wood floors.

“I may be one hundred and three years old, but I’m not one to just mozy around all day, either.”

   Emlyn motioned for me to follow him, I jumped up and walked closely behind him, just in case. We exited the round, brilliantly lit room and entered the musty hallway that smelled faintly of cigars and gingersnap. There was an elevator to our left that was painted a reddish brown color to add to the rustic look of his home. We entered the elevator and, out of the massive amount of buttons, Emlyn chose the last one, X.

“What does X lead to?” I asked.

“You’ll see,” He grinned.

Something was not right about this.

Chapter Five: Emlyn’s Secret

It took a total of eight minutes to descend to the depths of Emlyn Craft’s home. Once we had passed the halfway point, the air in the elevator became eerily frigid, almost as if the life had been sucked out of the basement. Cold air crawled up around me and captured my body into shivers. I shuddered and glanced at Emlyn-his eyes were closed, almost as if he was meditating. I could make out that he was humming, and I listened closer. I knew the tune:

Little children come and play,

but they don’t know the myster-ay

of that sweet little old lady

who would feed you meat and gravy.

Where? Where? Did she find this meat?

Not in the fields and not in the street,

You better watch out for Mrs. Hasteel,

or you might become her next meal!

It was a creepy old nursery rhyme that Tilda used to sing to me when I was younger...I knew what it was about, and I’ve always had a subconscious paranoia of the imaginary Mrs. Hasteel.  

We reached the basement and the doors of the elevator opened to reveal a small area about the size of a washroom. Inside, two guards stood at the entrance of another door, only this one was steel and looked impenetrable. The guards looked like statues, motionless, but watching every move. Their eyes followed me as I shuffled behind Emlyn, who approached them and smiled wide, displaying all four of his crooked, yellow teeth. He reached into his breast pocket and showed them a little brass key that was rusted at the tip. They moved aside and Emlyn took his shaky fingers to the lock; he was having trouble, so the guard on the left assisted him in opening the door. Emlyn smiled again, and heaved open the thick metal entrance to the unknown. He motioned for me to enter, but I stood frozen in place, too scared of what was in there to move. Emlyn frowned, and nodded at the guards, who came up behind me, lifted my arms up, and carried me to the entrance. They shut the door behind them and we were swallowed by a wave of darkness.

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