Chapter Two: Open Your Eyes

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Note:Emmas name changed to Raina

Note: changed rom 3rd person to 1st person POV

Note: this chapter contains a lot of flashbacks, which are going to be italicized

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           “Run!” Barthle was shouting, “Raina, go!” She frantically fumbled with the locks on the back door, the shots were getting louder, more rapid. The last thing she saw before flinging the door open was Mr. Barthle falling to the ground. Raina sprinted away from the shop, tears stinging her eyes, her face growing redder in color by the minute. Her lungs were on fire, burning up, consuming all of the energy in her body. She heard commotion behind her, but didn’t look back--she couldn’t, out of fear that if she did, it would all be over. She ran into an alley and dove under a dumpster. Don’t hide, what are you thinking? They’ll surely catch you now. Raina debated whether or not to roll out of the space and continue running, but the sturdy stampede of metal boots fast approaching gave her an answer. I’m sorry Stella, I’m sorry Xavier. Raina thought to herself, bitter tears trickling down her cheek. She squeezed her eyes shut and wished to disappear. 

           But what she didn’t notice was that her body began to shake. She didn’t see her eyes change from their normal lilac-periwinkle hue to a violent shade of purple. She didn’t notice her lungs beginning to fill with oxygen and strength. She didn’t notice the world beginning to spin around her. After a few moments, what she did notice, however, was that she was no longer in the city. 


Chapter Two: Open Your Eyes

        My eyes fluttered open--the scene around me was unfamiliar. Trees towered overhead and the ground under me was soft, was it grass? I expected to be in the hands of the guards. I expected to be sobbing and kicking and screaming, trying to save Stella and Xavier. I expected to be dead.

But I wasn’t.

       Questions raced through my head faster than I could comprehend them: Where was I? How did I get here? The last thing I remembered was--I gasped, the reality of what happened has slammed into me like a brick wall. Barthle. He was shot, shot by the guards that had come for me. I sank to the ground, breathing heavily. Tears stung my eyelids as I remembered every vivid detail of the day. I sat in shock as I recollected what Barthle had told me:

       “Do you know why you have to learn Genetics?” Barthle asked me, eyes glistening. I shrugged. He cleared his throat and continued. “You have to learn it because the Government wants to prevent a certain type of--er--species, from evolving again.” I was confused, 

  “I’m sorry, I don’t follow.”

  “This species was a genetically unique race of humans. They vanished about sixteen years ago. Fifteen years and eleven months to be exact. Do you know what they were called?” I shook my head. Gregory looked my in the eyes and said one word. “Pures.”

  “Why were they called that?” I asked.

  “As far as anyone could tell, they had not flaws, no impurities. They were perfectly able-bodied well into the later years of their life, had razor sharp wits, and they were very strong.”

  “How does this all involve me?”

  “Raina,” Barthle took in a long breath, “you’re the last one.”

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