Chapter Three: Protect Me

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Author’s Note:

Thank you all so much for your support of “Pure” thus far! Remember, these are just the preliminary entrance chapters, things will be getting a lot more intense within the next couple of chapters!

I try to update when either:

1) I reach my reading/voting/comments goal

2) When I have time. I have a very hectic schedule and it’s difficult for me to write during the week, so you’ll usually see my updates happening on the weekends or at some crazy time in the early hours of the morning

***If you have any suggestions please private message me or comment below!***

Alright enough rambling Larissa! Here you are, my loves, Chapter Three!!

goal: 500 reads and 75 votes

Chapter Three: Protect Me

    “Tristan!” I shrieked, running into his arms. He picked me up and swung me around in a tight embrace. We stood there for a few moments, he and I, just hugging, making up for the lost time. “Where are Xavier and Stella?” I asked after we broke our overdue hug.

  “I sent them with Tilda out to the Fields. They’re getting vegetables for dinner.”

  “Oh thank goodness, I was so worried about them! I was worried about you.” I confided, wrapping my arms around him once more. I buried my face in his chest as soft tears rolled down my cheeks.

  “Worried about me?! Raina, I was so distressed about you! You were gone for two days! Two days, do you know what was running through my head? I thought you--I thought they...” Tristan sighed forlornly. He cupped my chin in his hands and scolded me like a child. “Don’t you ever go back there again, okay? I can’t lose you...not after what they did to Patrice.”

  “Oh, Tristan, I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine--”

  “It’s fine.” He snapped, obviously not wanting to talk about it. Patrice was Tristan’s sister, but she died, no, she was murdered, two years ago. She openly protested and held rallies against the Government right outside of the walls of Alzhart. One day, an older guard, a man named Damon, went completely berserk and shot her. Twenty nine times. He was certifiably insane and, shortly after the incident, he disappeared. His body was found in a river about sixteen miles from Alzhart and the news reports claimed he had drowned. But everyone knew that the Government couldn’t have him around anymore, it would be bad for their press. Selfish, absinthian scum. Just as the silence was becoming unbearable awkward, the door opened and Stella rushed in. Once she saw me, she dropped the produce that she was holding and jumped into my arms.

 “Rainy! You’re back!” She giggled. I nodded and gave her a tight squeeze. Stella looked up at me and smiled wide. “Lookie I losted a tooth!” My sister exclaimed, holding up a small white object.

  “Wow honey! We have to make sure you get a visit from the Tooth Princess!” Her large blue eyes widened in awe and she leaped off of my lap and ran to her bed, safely tucking the tooth that she kept in her pocket under the shabby little pillow. Xavier walked in shortly after, Tilda, their guardian, followed closely behind.

  “Raina!” Xavier ran as fast as his little legs could carry him and gave me a huge hug. I smiled and ruffled his light auburn hair.

  “Raina, dear, could you grab the vegetables off of the floor? They’ll spoil! Goodness, how could you be so careless!” Tilda reprimanded.

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