Chapter 7: The Truth, Once Again, Revealed

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Hey guys! Okay so I've basically been dead for the past, gosh, I don't even know how long it's been since I updated I have been so busy you don't even understand lol!

Summer was crayyyy I was pretty much in NYC the whole time and then mid-August cross country preseason began and then of course school, which is extra stressful this year because I'm taking four AP classes, three languages, and on top of all that shit I have to study for the damn SAT's! UGH

freaking ap molecular and cellular biology/genetics is so fucking hard like FML

I'm so sorry I have been inactive for so long but without further adeue here is chapter seven of Pure!

 Recap Chapter 6: The White Room

"You're scared. I know you are." Maddox chuckled.

I did not respond. He was glaring at me; piercing into my soul with those harsh eyes. “Fine!” He barked, signaling to the guards holding me. They dragged me behind Maddox to a white table, and I dug my ankles into the floor, looking desperately at Kadyn, who stared at me in shock. They threw me onto the table and strapped my limbs to the cold metal.

    I began to squirm in the guards’ tight grasp, tears spilling from my eyes. “No!” I shouted, thrashing in the restraints. I flung my head backwards, implorement written across my face. Vruyk tightened the leather strap around my wrist. “KADYN!” I shrieked, attempting to free myself. “Kadyn! Please!” Maddox rolled his eyes, laughing.

     “Kadyn! Kadyn! Save me!” He mocked and bent down to my ear. “I want him to watch you scream, suffer, burn, die.” He hissed--his haunting words sent chills down my spine.  Maddox grabbed another syringe from the case and the needle was fast approaching my arm; I was hyperventilating, the world around me beginning to blur. “Kade-ka-k” I whimpered before a sharp pain pierced through my skin. Immediately, I felt hot all over, my entire body was tingling. A soft ringing noise echoed in my ears and then...nothing. The world around me was one giant blur and all that I saw was a bright white light. Was this what death felt like?


It was not.

Those two minutes of bliss were suddenly interrupted by a searing pain in my arm--I snapped back into reality and began to scream uncontrollably. I was seizing violently on the table, and I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. Beside me, I heard frantic shouting, but I could not stop screaming. It burned like no pain I’ve ever experienced before; it was like hellfire slowly creeping up my arm, making the scorching sting much more intolerable. Just as I was about to succuumb to the unwanted sleep that loomed in my mind, two loud bangs rang through the choked air of the room.


Chapter 7: The Truth, Once Again, Revealed

        Everything happened in slow motion. I felt the grip on my ligaments loosen and then I heard two bulky bodies crash to the ground. Both Maddox and I looked over at the frightened boy holding the gun that smoked at the end. The boy with the wide black eyes and shaking hands approached us cautiously. Maddox had just injected the antidote when Kadyn shot the guards and the tension in the room suspended the action. Maddox loomed above me, but was immobile: Kadyn had the gun pressed to his temple.

Despite the situation, Maddox began...laughing (though I’m not surprised considering the fact that he’s crazy).

“Shut up!” Kadyn demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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