chapter 1: becoming a murder drone.

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after J's team saved jaune after finding him with only one arm and no legs, they decided to bring him to their lair and they stopped his bleeding, thus saving his life but he went comatose. now we see J trying to contact a scientist from the company, who answered it as he was drinking coffee and said

scientist: ok J, what is it?

he asked to J, who didn't say anything but instead showed him jaune, which made him spit take his drink on the screen before wiping it off as he said

scientist: how did you?

J: we have no idea, but we think he might be a survivor or something, so can you send a transport to pick us up? because we did find him and saved his life after all.

she asked to him, who said this after thinking about it

scientist: i don't see why not, just let me inform my boss about your findings.


darkness, all jaune sees is darkness until he started to wake up and his sight was met when he sees a hud appearing in front of him, which confused him until he became shocked when he sees he's in the body of a robot with his clothing and a copy of his blonde hair as he said

jaune: what the heck happened to me?

???: oh good, you're awake.

as jaune heard the voice, he turned around and was met with 2 sexy looking female robots and 1 male robot

as jaune heard the voice, he turned around and was met with 2 sexy looking female robots and 1 male robot

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as he looked at the murder drones in shock, V said

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as he looked at the murder drones in shock, V said

V: S'up.

she greeted to juane

jaune: Gah!!!

J: relax, this may be your first time in a disassembly drone body, but we don't want you to get nearly dead again before we saved your life.

jaune: wait, you put me in this body?

N: Well, actually no. the scientists did that.

jaune: .....oh.

J: but may i ask, who are you?

jaune: my name is jaune arc, or at least i used to be an arc.

V: What does that mean?

she asked as juane started to tell them about what happened before J's team saved his life when cardin, a bully at his school beacon academy, located on a planet called remnant, revealed his fake transcripts and ruined his life and needless to say...J's team were furious at what they learned, but were happy that there were others that stayed by his side, including all 7 of his sisters. then he continued to tell them about remnant's history, the grimm, white fang, sdc, atlas, all of it as J said

J: let us tell the ceo everything you told us and we'll tell all the disassembly drones what you said to us as well, got it.

Jaune: ok, and in the meantime i need to get used to my surroundings and to get used to my new body while you do it.

he said as he got up and left the room to explore the building he's in, making N sad after hearing what jaune had to go through and V having murderous intent to slaughter jaune's tormenters, cardin included as J started to have feelings for the human-turned-murder drone as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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