chapter 10: a happy reunion.

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(in the arc's infinity)

we see a vulture enter one of the hangars of the flagship and ozpin, glynda, teams R(w)BY, NPR and CFVY exit the shuttle and were met by a bunch of stares by the worker and murder drones as they smiled at them, in a nice way, making ruby, nora and velvet worried at them smiling as velvet said

velvet: um, J, why are they smiling at us?

nora: yeah, it's kinda creeping us out.

she said scared as ren was comforting her and J smiled at them as she said

J: Don't worry about it, they're just happy at meeting the same humans and faunas that didn't abandon our leader.

ozpin: and who is your leader, if i may ask?

he asked as V said

V: Oh, you'll find out once we get to the bridge.

she said as they enter an elevator and it went up to the bridge


as the elevator made it to the top, they exit the elevator and walked into the bridge and see a drone with blonde hair, sitting on the command chair and as the chair rotated around, the beacon visitors gasped at who they are seeing

as the elevator made it to the top, they exit the elevator and walked into the bridge and see a drone with blonde hair, sitting on the command chair and as the chair rotated around, the beacon visitors gasped at who they are seeing

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jaune: hey guys, it's good to see you all again.

he said to his friends with a smile, but they didn't say anything as ruby, velvet, blake, coco, and nora were covering their mouths with tears in their eyes, ren was shocked at seeing his brother-figure as a robot, along with fox and yatsu having the same faces as well,  ozpin had his coffee leaking out of his mouth with glynda trying to wipe the coffee off while having her mouth covered as well, yang trying to not cry at seeing her friend again, and as for phyrra, well....her lips were quivering and tears were rolling down her eyes and said

phyrra: (voice breaking) jaune? is it you?

she asked as jaune got up from his command chair and as he walked over to phyrra, he said

jaune: does ''short, sweet, rolls off the tongue'' answer your question?

he said as he kissed her on the lips and phyrra kissed him back as they start making out, which made thad and N high five while smiling

(like this, and ignore that guy in the back)

as thad and N high-fived at their leader/best friend kissing phyrra, it made uzi, J, V, Doll, Lizzy, and the other female worker and murder drones at the romance until something popped into ruby's mind as she said

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as thad and N high-fived at their leader/best friend kissing phyrra, it made uzi, J, V, Doll, Lizzy, and the other female worker and murder drones at the romance until something popped into ruby's mind as she said

ruby: jaune, what happened to you?

she asked as he and phyrra stop kissing as everyone started to cringe at that question, even N as he rubbed his back nervously after hearing that question as Jaune said

jaune: well, it's....kind of a long story, but do you want the short version on how i became this?

he asked as they nodded and jaune said

jaune: it's because of J, V and N. they saved my life and some scientists put me in this body while they were fixing up my human body.

he said, making ozpin say

ozpin; did you become the leader of these robots?

he said as uzi spoke up

uzi: hey, we may be robots, but we have feelings just like humans and faunas on this planet.

she said, making the beacon guests confused at what she meant by ''on this planet'' as yang said

yang: what do you mean by that?

jaune: i think i need to explain everything that has happened while i was gone and in return, you explain everything to me, ok guys?

R(w)BY, NPR, CFVY: ok.

they said as jaune started to explain everything to his friends


(1 hour later)

after explaining everything to his friends, even ozpin and glynda, they were shocked at what happened to jaune, blake and velvet were horrified at what murder drones were meant to do and what they're capable of, ruby was scared that jaune managed to kill a human who wanted a race of robots dead, but was happy that he freed the murder drones and became the leader of both drones by forming ''the drone imperium'', ozpin and glynda were worried that if atlas get's their hands on them and their tech, there would be chaos if the white fang get that tech, as for yang, teams CFY and NPR, same reactions as blake, velvet, and ruby as glynda said

glynda: that's just.....i don't know what to say after hearing all of this.

jaune: i was expecting you might say that. so can you tell me what happened while i was gone?

he asked as ruby said

ruby: well, after you left, ozpin showed everyone, even your old parents the footage at what happened at the forever fall forest about you saving cardin's life and not the other way around, after watching it, everyone, even your old parents regretted what they did to you and they said that they were gonna look for you and make you an arc again.

she said, making jaune and every drone in the room shocked at what she said

blake: but when professor port and oobleck brought in your severed arm and legs, my team, your team, team CFVY and all of your sisters were devastated and blame just about everyone for what they did to you and as a result, me ruby and yang kicked weiss out of our dorm and your sisters, well-

she was cut off as jaune said

jaune: ran away from my old mom and dad, yeah i know.

yang: how did you find out?

she asked as uzi said

uzi: simple, me, jaune and N went to meangerie 2 days ago and met blake's parents.

she said as team R(w)BY's eyes widened as blake said

blake: how did you know my parents are faunas?

jaune: obviously that your bow keeps moving by itself, meaning that you're a cat faunas, that's how.

he said blake's secret as she removed her bow and her cat ears were shown, making doll and lizzy walk up to her and started petting her and touching her cat ears, which made blake happy that she's being treated so harmlessly as jaune started to chuckle and j walked up to juane and say

J; hey, sweetface, you gonna tell them about us or what?

when phyrra heard J say ''sweetface'', she started to get angry as she said

phyrra: what?

jaune; it's ok, phyrra. when i kissed you earlier, that meant we're now in a relationship, along with someone that blake knows as well.

he said as phyrra sighed happily, but her eyes widened at what's happening since she found out that jaune and J are also in a relationship. in other words, she just unknowingly joined jaune's new harem until they see a certain faunas that blake knew all too well

blake: Illia!!!???

she said in shock and illia smiled as she said

illia: hi blake.

she said as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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