chapter 3: meeting uzi.

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while the fleet is in hyperspace and both sides of drones were operating the ships, jaune was getting tired if waiting and decided to go into sleep mode and started to dream about how all this happened

(3 months ago, jaune POV)

after i became familiar with my surroundings at the company, i got sent back to copper 9 as the new member of J's squad and as i was chilling in the lair, i see uzi with N walk in with my eyes widened, but i didn't say anything because i wanted to see how this is going as uzi pulled her hand out of N's mouth as he said

N: sweet, uh, i'm open to new things i guess.

Uzi: we are never talking about this.

N: Talking about what? consider it, uh, REPRESSED.

he said as he was trying to sound cool while crossing his arms in a cool way and uzi wiped the saliva off her hand as she said

Uzi: and you mentioned other members of your squad? are they coming back soon?

N: oh yeah, there's jaune right her and 2 others.

jaune: s'up.

N: there out hunting for a bit but you'll love them, first there's V.


we see V ripping some part out of a worker drone and looked at him with a cute smile as the drone said

worker drone: please, don't feed off my own intrails in front of my family.

he was ignored as V brutally murdered the drone with a batallion of bullets and explosions with N having a nervous face about what he's seeing as v started to laugh before wiping some oil off her lip as she said

V: and yet, i still feel nothing.

she said with an adorable smile with one of her eyes blinking twice as n said

N: so V, i heard that this planet's toxic death storms are supposed to be hospitibal tonight.

V: huh? oh God, who are you?

she said as she flew away as n said

N: no worries, i'm N, but a whole letter is a lot to remember.

he said as he started to laugh nervously

(back to the present)

N: so, obviously a lot of mutual respect there but secretly (whispers) i actually kind of have a crush on her (then out loud) YOU CAN'T TELL HER OK!!!??

he said as uzi zipped her lip and smiled after N looked at her, which Jaune finds uzi's smile very cute to see as n said

N: and then there's J, our leader.

(J pov)

we see N being stepped on by J, we look up to see her hot thighs and then up to her face as she said

J: N, you're worthless and terrible, and if the company allowed it, i would straight-up kill you myself.

she said as she pointed her tail at him

(back to the present...again)

N: J's awesome, and just to let you know...jaune has a crush on her.

he said, making jaune's pixelated eyes widen and shouted


N: Oops, sorry buddy. but hey, let's give our new recruit the tour, out there are the corpse...wall...thingies...and here are the buttons.

he said as he started to mess around with the console as uzi realized something about the pod as she said

uzi: this..isn't just a landing pod...this is a spaceship, this could get us off the planet.

she said as juane said

jaune: well, not exactly.

n: he's right, it's more of a one-use missle, they never taught us how to land.

Uzi: no i, uh the worker drones, we could work with them to fix this, instead of all the MURDER!!!! which why are we doing again?

N; Other than ingesting their (deep voice) warm sweet (normal voice) oil to avoid overheating and dying, i guess i just want to be useful, i was given a job and i always want to try my best.

he said as uzi got up and said

uzi; and look at all the respect that's gotten you N, you really think that the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead.

she said her point, making jaune afraid that if they do and they dispose of jaune, he'll never get his revenge and reunite with his friends and remaining family (which are all his sisters) as N said

N: oh my!!! you sure are rebellious, it's kind of exciting. but not as fun as...following the rules.

he said as uzi, N, and Jaune heard banging coming from outside, meaning that V and J came back as N said

N: Hey, they're back. you'll-

he was cut off as jaune and N see that uzi left and they hear J's voice saying

J: Guys, get out here.

she said as we see uzi running far away from the lair as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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