Chapter 17: a BITTERSWEET reunion.

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after ruby left cuz she had to go back to beacon, the drones (murder and worker) were getting along with penny polendina and now she's friends with an entire army of two kinds of sentient robots with jaune, his harem, and sisters smiling at them getting along until a worker drone that thad knew came in with an angry expression as everyone began to worry as thad said

thad: hey chad, you alright?

chad: no i'm not, and i bet you won't either once i tell you who's here.

he said as everyone looked at him as uzi said

uzi; who's here, chad?

he was silent for a few seconds until he looked at jaune and his sisters and said

chad: jaune and his sister's parents are here.

he said, making everyone gasp in shock, even jaune. but as for his sister and harem, well, let's just say that uzi and J's visors turned into X's while illia and team NDGO were getting pissed off looking faces at hearing that ''they'' are here as jaune's visor turned into an X and said

jaune: contact ozpin and my friends about what chad told us and tell them to come here.

he said as chad left to do what he's told as J said

J: what about your ''parents'', sweetie?

she asked as jaune looked at her and said

jaune: tell them to wait until ozpin and the others arrive.

J smirked at her boyfriend and left to meet jaune's parents, or should i say ''abandoners''


outside of jaune's citadel, we see jaune and his sister's old parents, nicholas and charlotte arc, begging the murder drone guards to let them in as one of the guards got a message and said

murder drone guard: someone's coming to meet you two.

he said with a sneer as nicholas and charlotte looked at each other and said

both: who?

J: me!!!!

she said as the arc parents hear her voice as she landed in front of them and said

J: you got SOME nerve showing your faces around her after what you did to jaune for abandoning him over some stupid documents!!!!!

she said in anger

nicholas: wait, how do you know about that?

he asked until he and his wife heard a voice

???: because I told her and all my soldiers what you did!!!!!

as nicholas and his wife turn around, they see jaune (in his murder drone body), his sisters, illia, team NDGO, thad, doll, lizzy and uzi glaring at them as lucy (one of the arc sisters) said

lucy: oh, YOU TWO ARE SO......SCREWED UP BIG TIME!!!!!!

she yelled at her old parents as nicholas said

nicholas: watch your tone, daughter.

he said as charlotte looked at jaune with tears in her eyes and as she said

charlotte: my little bo-

she was cut off as jaune said

jaune: don' me your little boy charlotte. you lost that right on the day you and nicholas abandoned me that day.

he said as they hear an engine roaring and illia said

illia: oh look, the cavalriy's here.

she said while smirking and as the bullhead landed, they see ozpin, glynda, team RBY and team NPR exit the aircraft as ozpin yelled at the two arc parents

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