chapter 7: meeting the faunas of menagerie.

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(3 weeks after colonizing)

it's been 3 weeks since jaune's new drone imperium arrived on remnant and called it their new home, even though it's also jaune's homeworld as well. now we see the successful result after the worker drones finished building their new city for them and later on, the faunas and humans born on remnant

(this is their new city)

in jaune's flagship hovering the skies, we see jaune looking over the reports he got from the worker and murder drones about the cities progress and they were successful

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in jaune's flagship hovering the skies, we see jaune looking over the reports he got from the worker and murder drones about the cities progress and they were successful

then all of a sudden, something came up in his mind

jaune: wait a minute? can someone get me a wdf drone in here, please.

he asked as a wdf drone came in and said

wdf drone: is there something you need, sir?

he asked as jaune got up from his command chair and said

jaune: prepare a vulture and call uzi to tell her to meet me in hangar B-7. i'm planning on going to menagerie.

he said as the wdf drone nodded and left to do what he is told



we see a faunas guard entering ghira's office as he said

ghira: what's wrong?

faunas guard: cheiftain, there's an aircraft heading towards menagerie.

ghira: WHAT!!!! Is it atlas!?

he exclaimed as he got up from his desk, but the guard shaked his head

faunas guard: no, it doesn't look like atlas at all, the colors are different, even the design isn't like a bullhead or manta. should we shoot it down?

he asked as ghira said

ghira: no, i wanna see who's arriving here.


(at the menagerie docks)

we see a crowd of faunas gathering around as a vulture landed in front of them and as the doors opened, the faunas see jaune, uzi, and N walking out as the faunas murmer at what they are like ''are they atlas'' and ''why does the female looking robot look so hot'' as jaune said

jaune: just to let you know, we aren't from atlas, nor made by them.

he said as the faunas gasped at them speaking as a female faunas said

female faunas: then what are you?

she asked as N said

N: we're drones, disassembly drones to be exact and we're here to speak with your....what was he called again, jaune?

he whispered as jaune said

jaune: chieftain, he's called a chieftain N.

N: Oh, right. that's him, we're here to speak with your cheiftain about something important.

he said to the faunas as ghira walked up to them as he said

ghira: that would be me and-

he was cut off as he saw the arc family symbol on jaune's pants as his eyes widened as he said

ghira: why won't you come to my home and we'll discuss what you're here for?

he said politely as N said

N: sure, i like doing anything.

he said with a smile as uzi and jaune smirked and they said in unison

jaune & uzi: of course you do.

they said as they walk with ghira and head towards the belladonna home, but someone was watching them and that someone is a certain chameleon faunas named illia liamota as she changed color and followed them

(at the belladonna house)

as the drones and ghira entered the house and he closed the door, he looked at juane and said

ghira: it's good to see you again, jaune.

jaune: same to you, ghira.

he said, making uzi and N confused at what's happening as uzi said

uzi: jaune, you know the cheiftain?

jaune: of course i do, they're family friends with my family.

ghira; but not anymore with nicholas or charlotte after we heard what they did to you.

he said, making jaune's eyes widen and before he spoke up, kali belladonna appeared with tears in her eyes as she said

kali: jaune, is that you?

she asked as jaune smiled at her and say

jaune; yes, miss belladonna, it's me.

he said as he showed his arc symbol on his pants as ghira had something popped in his head and say

ghira: wait...what happened to you, jaune?

he said as he referred to jaune's murder drone body and when he looked at uzi and N, they nodded and he said

jaune: you may want to sit down, it might take a while.

he said as they enter the living room and start listening to jaune's story, but when illia made it to the house before they did, she was shocked after she heard that the blonde robot is the missing jaune arc and started to listen to his story about what happened to him during these past 4 months as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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