chapter 11: the arc sibling's reunion.

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after illia and blake reunited, she told her that she's one of jaune's girlfriends after he, uzi and N met blake's parents and she snuck on to their transport, which shocked the cat faunas at first, but then smiled that her old friend found love. after that, jaune said that blake, her team, his old teammates, team CFVY, ozpin and glynda are welcome and are free to look into the history of earth, it's culture, history, technological advances  and achievements, even anime, which suprised the faunas at seeing such entertainment and animation. now we see jaune, J, Illia, Phyrra, uzi, doll, lizzy, V and N in front of saphron's home, which made jaune smile that he's going to be reunited with his sisters and nephew after 4 months as V said

V: you know, jaune. i bet once your sisters see you, thye'll be crying in joy and will be wanting to know what happened to you.

Jaune: i know, but i'm scared at what they might think of mmy situation.

he said as he lowered his head until phyrra placed her hand on his shoulder and said

phyrra: don't worry jaune, i'm sure that once you explain what happened to you, they'll understand.

N: Yeah, from what you told us after we met you, you said that your sisters understood why you fake your way in that school.

V: in other words, it won't change a thing.

Illia: they're right, jaune. no matter what they think, your still the same brother they had and known their whole lives.

doll: also, you said you have a nephew and he's a baby, right?

jaune: yes why?

lizzy: because me and doll want to see how cute he is!!!!!

she said as she and doll squealed at thinking about meeting adrian as uzi

uzi: remember, we're right behind you.

she said as the others nodded in agreement and jaune knocked on the door and when someone opened the door, it was revealed to be terra, gasped at seeing jaune as a robot as he was smiling nervously and said

jaune: hi, terra.

he said as he chuckled nervously and terra placed her hands on his visor and said while tearing up

terra: it really you, jaune?

jaune: yes terra, it's me.

he said as he took terra's hand off his visor and she said

terra: what happened to you? and why is phyrra here and who are these people?

she said as phyrra said

phyrra: jaune will explain everything once we get inside.

terra: well that's gonna have to wait cuz saphron and the others are at the park and are on the way back, even adrian is with them. but you can come in and once they come back, jaune can surprise them if he wants.

she said as she and jaune smile at the idea and the group enters saphron and terra's home


as saphron, who's holding adrian, and her sisters enter the house while smiling, they stopped smiling and has shocked faces with tears rolling down their eyes as they see jaune as a robot sitting on the couch as he said

jaune: hi, girls. how are you doing?

he said with a smile and his sisters, except saphron, jump on their brother and started crying on his metallic chest as his twin sister, june said while crying

june: where have you been!!!????

aqua: and what happened to you?

she asked as she stopped crying after realizing about jaune's appearance, her question even made the rest of his sisters stop crying and look at him as he said

jaune: well, that's why we're here.

arc sisters: we?

saphron: what do you mean "we"?

???: he means ''us''.

the voice said as it was revealed to be J, who walked into the living room with uzi, doll, lizzy illia phyrra, V and N, making the arc sisters and saphron shocked at seeing more robots as V said

V: i know the looks on your faces, and we'll explain why we're here if you get off of our leader.

she said as the arc sisters get off of jaune and he gets up and started explaing everything


after explaining, saphron, terra and the arc sisters were shocked and appald of what they've been told about jaune being saved by J,V and N, having his mind being digitzed into a murder drone body that human scientist not from remnant made in his human body's likeness while they fix his human body by replacing his missing limbs with cyborg prosthetics, him meeting uzi, her dad leaving her for dead telling uzi's colony about him used to being a human from another planet, him uniting the murder and worker drones to take down their creator, raiding an entire arsenal of warships and vehicles to start a new life on remnant by forming what jaune called his new army ''the drone imperium'', and the fact that jaune is having a growing harem of girlfriends starting with J, phyrra, and illia. after jaune's sisters heard his explanation, they smiled at hearing that he saved vale from a grimm invasion earlier and being a hero, just like he dreamed of becoming as jaune said

jaune: and i know what you're gonna say....will i come visit?

jenny: we.....were gonna say that, how did you know?

jaune: just a hunch. but i have an offer for the 6 of you living with saphron and her family.

he said to 6 out of 7 of his sisters, which made them confused as lucy said

lucy: what's your offer, brother?

jaune: i'm letting you 6 live with me. why? because many of my drone soldiers are wanting to meet you and if you accept my offer, you'll be welcomed as one of us, even though i'm a human who's mind is in this body but still, what do you say?

he said as the 6 arc sisters were shocked and happy at hearing his offer cuz if they accept, then they'll be living with their brother because they missed him so much for 4 months and wanted to be with him maria arc looked at her sisters, they nodded and she said

maria: yes brother, we accept.

she said, making jaune, his girlfriends, uzi, V and N smile at hearing that they'll be living with their brother while doll and lizzy were being adorable at seeing their leader's baby nephew

(like this. pretend yang is lizzy and weiss is doll)

after doll and lizzy were being adorbs at seeing jaune's nephew, they left with jaune's sisters and said their goodbyes to saphron and her family, but J said that they'll visit them one day as they enter the transport and flew to the colony city a...

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after doll and lizzy were being adorbs at seeing jaune's nephew, they left with jaune's sisters and said their goodbyes to saphron and her family, but J said that they'll visit them one day as they enter the transport and flew to the colony city as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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