chapter 9: vale breach.

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(2 days after meeting blake's parents)

it's been 2 days since jaune, uzi and N met blake's parents and after he told them what he was doing while he was gone, they were shocked at what they heard

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after they snapped out of their shock, they told them what happened while he was gone and when they did, jaune was shocked after hearing that his own sisters ran away from their parents and moved in with saphron and her family, which made him, uzi...

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after they snapped out of their shock, they told them what happened while he was gone and when they did, jaune was shocked after hearing that his own sisters ran away from their parents and moved in with saphron and her family, which made him, uzi and N happy that jaune's sisters did that, meaning that they wanted nothing to do with juane's old mom and dad anymore. after jaune leaving menagerie and they made it back to the colony city, they met illia, who snuck her way into the ship using her faunas power (which is camoflauge) and she said that she wants to be jaune's girlfriend after hearing what jaune been through and that she was happy that blake did a good thing by staying by jaune's side when his transcripts were revealed, and when J heard what illia said after her and V came back from their mission and Jaune accepted illia to be his 2nd girlfriend, meaning that jaune will have a harem in the future

now we see jaune looking at his human body in the stasis pod, thinking about when he'll use it again to give pyrrha a good time in bed until Doll rushed in as she said in a hurry

doll: jaune!!! vale's wall has been breached, a horde of grimm are invading it and your friends are in trouble!!

she said, which made jaune's visor's eyes widen and turned around as he said

jaune: what!!?? send in as many wdf drones and murder drones there to defend vale as soon as possible!!!

doll: but what about you, sir?

jaune: me? (visor turns into an X) i think it's time for us to be shown to the world.


(in vale)

in vale, we see teams R(w)BY, NPR, and CFVY being overwhelmed by the grimm as ruby said

ruby: guys, there's too many of them, we have to retreat!!!!!

she said as when a pack of beowolves were about to pounch, a barage of bullets and missles were being fired on the pack, which made the teams suprised at seing them appear out of nowhere until they see a bunch of drone imperium wasps, vultures, gunships, jeeps, scorpions, and then, an entire army of murder drones, RL's, even V's fem-seekers with N, J and V appearing in the sky as they fire their missles at them

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as the missles impacted onto some ursa, we see thad getting on top of one of the jeeps as he said

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as the missles impacted onto some ursa, we see thad getting on top of one of the jeeps as he said

thad: LET'S KILL THEM ALL, And the good stuff.

he said to doll as she started to play a song from the offspring called ''you're gonna go far kid''

as the song was playing, scorpion tanks were firing onto some creepers thus killing them, and the RL's and fem-seekers landing on the ground and started slaughtering the grimm by using their smg's, missle hands, sword arms, etc... but in an atlas flagship, we see ironwood staring at the drones with an intimidating smirk on his face

ironwood: (thinking) i don't know who made these robots, but atlas must have them.

back on the ground with R(w)BY, NPR and CFVY, we see ruby's eyes widen with stars in her eyes at seeing the weapons they're equipped with, yang being impressed at what the RL's are doing to the grimm, blake having a scared face at seeing the carnage, but also finds the worker drones fighting alongside the murder drones impressive as she thinks that humans and faunas might work togethor like the two drones are doing right now. but as for team NPR and CFVY, same reactions as team R(w)BY as they stop firing their weapons after V sliced the last beowolf's head off as the song ended and she said

V: i know i said this before but....i still feel nothing.

she said as she made a cute smile and blinked twice as J looked over at the beacon teams with a smile and walked over to them as coco said

coco: what are you?

she asked as ren spoke up

ren: and why do you look familiar?

J: don't you remember me and her 2 two days ago about what we told you about jaune?

she said as she poined at V, who waved at them and said ''Hi'', and when they remembered who they met 2 days ago, their eyes widened as yang said

yang: wait, YOU AND HER ARE ROBOTS!!!!???

J: the correct term is ''murder drones'' but yeah, we are.

she said as the beacon teams got confused ad velvet said

velvet: but did atlas make you?

she asked as a RL walked up to her and said

RL 1: those racist bastards, no they didn't!!! we were made by a robotics company not from this planet.

teams RWBY, NPR, CFVY: what!!!!!!

J: We'll explain later, but right now, our leader needs to speak with you all.

she said as blake narrowed her eyes at J and said

blake: for what reason?

she asked in a ''serious'' tone as N walked up and said

N: you'll find out once we get to his flagship.

V: now come on, let's get in that vulture and it will take us up to the flagship.

???: not without me.

as they turned around, the drones and students see professor ozpin and glynda walking up to them as ozpin said

ozpin: i saw everything and i am quite interested at meeting your leader. so glynda and i will be coming along to meet him.

he said as glynda nodded and as V shrugged her shoulders and said

V; alright, just get in.

she said as ozpin, glynda and the beacon students enter the vulture took off, along with the wasps, murder drones RLs and V's fem-seekers as thad's jeeps and scorpion tanks drove off to follow their air support and the murder drones as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, up next will be called ''a happy reunion'')

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