chapter 14: having fun with phyrra.

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(outside of team NPR's dorm)

we see ren and nora on their way back until they, along with the beacon students, heard moaning coming from their dord decided to check it out by hearing the voices on the other side and were shocked of who's voices they heard

(inside the dorm)

we see jaune and phyrra having sex, with no condon of course, in a missionary postition as phyrra kept on moaning and said

phyrra: jaune, kiss me, kiss me you blonde bastard!!!!!

she demanded sexually as she and jaune french kissed each other as jaune kept on thrusting his D(bleep) into phyrra's p*ssy

(15 minutes later)

we see phyrra being in a position that jaune calls his ''mr. belvedere'', which is jaune placing phyrra upside down while being effed hard so much that jaune was about to spurt, ah sorry (jack black reference)

jaune: (moans) phyrra, i'm gonna-

he was cut of as phyrra screamed

phyrra: DO IT IN ME!!!!!!!!

she demanded sexually as jaune blew a massive load, like in a hentai way as phyrra was smiling happily that she is now officially pregnant with jaune's kid and jaune dropped his girlfriend on the floor with cum spurting out her p*ssy and jaune was on his knees breathing as he said

jaune: phyrra?

phyrra: (breathing heavily) y-yes?

jaune: you're awesome.

he said as he fainted after the whole sex session he and phyrra had, even phyrra fainted as well.

(on the other side of the dorm)

we see the students, even ren and nora, having mad blushes on their faces as nora smiled and said

nora: ren, this is happening!!!!

she said as ren smiled at his partner and said

ren: should we tell ruby and the others about this?

nora: i think we should, even jaune's sisters cuz i think they'll be very happy about what they're about to hear.

she said as she and ren left to tell ruby, her team, team CFVY, jaune's sisters, girlfriends about what jaune and phyrra did as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, sorry that it's kinda short but i hope you liked it)

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