chapter 2: return to remnant. (part 1)

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it's been over 3 months since jaune became a murder drone and after he got sent back to copper 9 to be a new member of J's squad, he and N met uzi all know what happened after that, but except that uzi spared J's life after telling her that he used to be human, which shocked her and the worker drone colony, then he told her colony how he became a murder drone and needless to say, they were saddened at what he been through and were furious at what jaune's tormentors have done to him, even at jaune's former parents for leaving him to die over some stupid papers. so after what happened, he broadcasted a message all over copper 9 and all the murder drones heard jaune's message and joined him which made jaune their leader, along with the worker drones who joined as well to take down the company who created them and before jaune killed the ceo, he ordered him to give all the murder drones upgrades so they can all go into the sun in order to not overheat and die, which he did anyway

after giving them the upgrades, jaune's new army raided all the interstellar warships and necessary vehicles they need to go to remnant for a new life away from JCJenson, which is going to remnant so jaune can return home, reunite with his friends and get revenge on cardin for ruining his life and causing him to become what he is now as we see a fleet of old military space warships that the murder and worker drones are piloting and operating with jaune in the flagship's chair when a worker drone named thad said

thad: Lord Arc, we're in position to hyperjump to remnant's coordinates and we'll start by your command.

he said as jaune got up from his chair confidently as he said

jaune: do it.

he said as all the warships warped to remnant as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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