chapter 4: the colony.

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we see V crawling inside the lair and landed on the ground as she said

V: yo, we got a worker out there that i kinda wanna practice baloon animal shapes with. what happened here?

she asked as J said

J: our synergestic liablity here must've tripped and knocked himself offline, is that right jaune?

jaune: i don't know, i was in sleep mode when it happened.

J: ok. (then slaps N and snaps her fingers) moron bot, hello?

she said as N started to reboot and realized what happened before uzi shot him with her railgun as he said

N: oh.

he said as he looked at the trail and realizes what her railgun is powered with as he exclaimed

N: OH!!!!! you know, i left an..extremely dangerous weapo-excuse-outside.

he said as when he left, jaune said

jaune: you know, i think i should follow him.

he said as he began following N, making J squint her eyes at them leaving and V doing this....

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(at the colony)

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(at the colony)

WDF drone: and i am out, boys.

he said as he finished the jim rummy game he and the other wdf drones are playing and having comments to each other until uzi opened the door and entering it as she said

uzi: bite me. close it, close it!!!

she said as she used the over-ride key to close the doors and before the entrance door closed, we see N's claws stopped it from closing and forcing the door open, making the WDF guards having frightened faces as N said

N: hey fellas, oooh deal me in i love rummy. wait, no i'm going to murder everyone, brain check.

he said as he used his tail to destroy the controls, making all the doors open and everyone, even uzi run away, execpt one wdf guard as he said

WDF drone 2: actually, it's jim rummy, so...

he said as N killed the drone, but as N was too busy causing chaos by killing the wdf drones, we see jaune using his cloaking device having a horrified face at seeing the damage until he heard a voice

khan: pretty nice hydraulics, huh?

he said impressively, but then was horrified at seeing the damage as he said to his daughter

uzi: wha? what have you done?

he demanded before N appeared from the ceiling, then uzi aimed her railgun at N as she said

Uzi: this time, i won't miss.

N: (laughs evilly) i'm sorry, jaune and i really enjoyed meeting you, but i can't have you shoot V with that thing.

Jaune of the Murder Drones (REMAKE)Where stories live. Discover now