chapter 18: the execution of Nicholas Arc.

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after ozpin and glynda told the vale council the REAL reason why jaune was never trained to become a hunstman, they were so offended of what they learned and decided to leak the news to the rest of the kingdoms, even meagerie. when saphron and her faimly heard the news, she was BALLISTIC and she tore out all the faces of nicholas and charlotte out of all of her photos while terra was PISSED OFF of what she learned and when blake's parents heard the news, they began to DESPISE their old family friends nicholas and charlotte for using their only son as nothing but a sperm stallion for their family, making them no better than the schnees, even the former schnee weiss. when the citizens of remnant heard that jaune is the leader of the drones that saved vale from the breach a while back, they began supporting him, his sisters, harem and his drone imperium, as if they're the most advanced kingdom besides atlas cuz they came from space

now we see nicholas waking up and sees himself strapped onto a board and in suit all hannibal lecter style and sees himself in a court room filled with humans & faunas citizens, even worker and murder drone guards as the judge, who's also worker drone named fred started to speak

fred: nicholas, for the crimes of abandoning your only son and leaving him to die at the hands of the grimm and selfishy using him as nothing but a breeding stud for your family bloodline, you, nicholas arc, have been found GUILTY of commiting those unforgivable crimes.

he spoke as everyone in the court room agree with fred as nicholas said

nicholas: what about my wife? why isn't she here?

fred: because her parents are having a talk with her after hearing the news about your little secret. YOUR parents were here a while ago and they agreed to, and you'll love this, disown you from the arc family, like how you did to juane over a stupidly redick reason.

nicholas: WHAT!!!!!!?????

fred: and that's not is rare, even for a man not from the planet we worker and murder drones were made from to come face to face with true evil...evil like you. and it pains me that the maximum sentence i can bestow upon you is something trivial as.....DEATH!!!!!!! DEATH MR. NICHOLAS FORMER ARC!!!!!!! NOTHING BUT SWIFT PAINFUL AND SHEAR DEATH!!!!!!!!

he said as he hammered his gavel 10 times while nicholas was tearing up that he is now gonna die over a BIG mistake he made long ago as fred stopped hammering his gavel and said

fred: knock him out!!!!!

he said to a murder drone guard, who's left hand turned into a boxing glove and punched him in the face.

(in jaune's citadel)

We see everyone cheering that jaune and his sister's old dad will be dead, but jaune had an annoucement to make as he said

jaune: guys, i have something to say..

J: Well, jaune, what is it?

jaune: i will be executing my old dad.

everyone: WHAT!!!!!!??????

uzi: why?

she asked as maria arc said

maria: it's because jaune wanted to, even we wanted to do it too.

lucy: but we never had the guts to do it after jaune was missing.

jaune: well that all changes today, now if you excuse me, i have a poor pathetic bastard waiting to be murdered.

he said as he left to kill his old dad

(in the execution platform)

we see nicholas being dragged down to be executed as he hears an army of worker and murder drones chanting ''DIE NICHOLAS'' and hears jaune's voice

(just to let you know, jaune's execution speech will be similar to engel's speech from wolfenstein: the new colossus, but different for this chapter)

jaune: citizens of the drone imperium, this is a day of triumph!!!!!! today is the day that my former dad, the one who left me to die after my transcripts were revealed, the one and only, nicholas former arc!!!!!!!!

he said as nicholas was greeted with millions of jeers as jauen continued his speech

jaune: and now.....(chuckles) he will face the great punishment he deserved for so long, the punishment i have dreamt of to this moment, for the crimes he committed to me, my family, ALL OF IT!!!!!! FOR A FUTURE FOR ALL....THE DRONE IMPERIUM!!!!!!!!

worker and murder drone soldiers: FOR THE DRONE IMPERIUM!!!!!!!

they started chanting as jaune's right arm turned into a chainsaw as nicholas started to get out of his restraints while crying as jaune smirked and said

jaune: so cheeseball, any last words before i cut you to oblivion?

he asked like a villain would say as nicholas was tearing up and said

jaune: i'm sorry that i failed you, jaune.

he said while crying and wanted jaune to feel pity for him, but failed as jaune stabbed his chainsaw hand into nicholas's stomach and gutted him open as jaune's old dad started gasping for air, but stopped as his head was sliced off of his neck like a tomato with jaune grabbing his head by the hair and tossed it into a fire pit, like how engel threw terror billy's head into a fire pit when she ''seemingly'' killed him until the end of wolfenstein: the new colossus, which lead to engel being killed by b.j. blazkowitcz

when charlotte arc (jaune and his sister's old mom), who's in a private prison cell made just for her with two cyclo-drone gaurds standing in front of the cell, saw her husband being executed on live T.V., she started sobbing at the fact that she lost her husband at the robotic hands of her son, who now hates her for what he, his sisters, and everyone else on remnant learned about why he was never trained as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, up next is what you're all waiting for, the ''jaune and nebula lemon'' chapter, hope you liked it)

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