chapter 15: meeting team NDGO.

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after jaune and phyrra's sex session they had yesterday and fainted because of it, we see jaune and phyrra leaving the dorm (fully clothed) and were greeted by ruby, yang, blake, illia, uzi, J, jaune's sisters, N, V and thad having smug smiles on their faces

(like this)

jaune & phyrra: what?

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jaune & phyrra: what?

yang: oh nothing....except that we know about your little....session that you two had yesterday.

she said, making jaune and phyrra blush madly


V: simple, nora told us.

she said as nora and ren appeared and as jaune looked at ren, he said

jaune: et tue, ren?

ren: yes, it was nora's idea and i had to agree with it, sorry.

jaune: (sigh), it's ok, you had no choice becuase i knew that my sisters are pretty much happy by looking at their faces right now, right?

he said as one of jaune's sisters, aqua said

aqua: yes, we are so happy. also, there's some girls saying that i'm pretty sure that you know who they are.

phyrra: and who are they exactly?

she said with stern eyes

blake: their names are nebula, dew, gwen and octavia.

she said, making jaune's eyes widen and say

jaune: they're here?!

he asked, making everyone nod

Jaune: why are they even here? shouldn't they be at vacuo?

illia: well, yes but when word got out that you came back, they had to come see you and they have something they need to say to you, sweetie.

she said as jaune looked at J as she placed her hand on his shoulder and said

J: don't worry, i'll be with you to explain everything.

she said while smiling, even jaune smiled at her as he said

jaune: ok, let's go.

he said as he and the others went outside to see team NDGO

(outside of beacon academy)

as jaune and the others went outside, they see team NDGO

as jaune and the others went outside, they see team NDGO

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dew: jaune?

she said in disbelief as jauen smiled at his childhood friends as he said

jaune: hi.

he said as team NDGO ran towards jaune and tackled him, crying on his chest, but got off of him to let him breathe, and they were shocked after seeing juane's robot limbs as octavia said

octavia: jaune, where did you get these limbs?

she asked as jaune had a cringed face and rubbed his back like goku, even N did the same thing as he said

N: Well, that a long story.

he said as team NDGO start to notice the murder drones and thad with shocked faces as nebula said with wide eyes

nebula: what kind of robots are you?

uzi: technically were called drones, robots with sentience as you can see.

V: and just to let you know, we aren't made by atlas.

Thad: and it's kinda complicated on why we're here on jaune's home planet.

dew: what do you mean by that?

J: like N said, it's a long story, but do you want to hear the short version?

she asked as they nodded and everyone starts to explain

J: long story short, jaune lost his arm and legs by a grimm, got sent to another planet, me and my teammates saved his life by putting his mind in a drone body we made in his likeness, he liberated us from our creator who was using us to wipe out the worker drones...

thad: of which, i am one.

N: and we left that life of killing the worker drones behind us and started to work with them, we arrived on jaune's home planet with a fleet of spaceships that you are seeing right now-

he said as he pointed at said ships hovering over vale

uzi: to start a new life here and when we did, we built up a whole city that's way advanced than what you call ''atlas'', jaune reunited with his friends and sisters, he killed cardin for what you heard he did-

team NDGO: WHAT!!!!???

jaune: it's true, he deserved it though.

he said as team NDGO smiled at what jaune did becuase they hated him for what he did to their childhood friend

Jaune: and after i did, me and phyrra, who's one of my girlfriends, had the best sex you can imagine and i came in her.

he admitted, making team NDGO shocked that he did that

gwen: what?

she said in disbelief as phyrra nodded, making the team shocked even more

dew: who are your girlfriends, jaune?

J; that would be me.

illia: and me.

uzi: and me.

she said, making everyone confused as uzi was blushing madly and looked away as jaune said

jaune: it's ok uzi, i don't mind.

uzi: really?

she asked with wide eyes

phyrra; yeah, i don't mind since J and illia are members of jaune's growing harem.

she said, making uzi smile as team NDGO look at each other as nebula said

nebula: well, if they're your girlfriends jaune, we want to be too.

jaune, his GFs, sisters, and friends: WHAT!!!!!!

jaune: wait, why?

gwen: the truth is that ever since we met you when we were kids, we started to have a crush on you and were afraid that you didn't like us if we told you.

dew: so, now you know.

octavia: so....can we be in your harem?

she asked as team NDGO look at jaune, who was stunned that his childhood friends had a crush on him and he didn't know about it and as he looked at J, illia, uzi and phyrra, they nodded as jaune smiled and say

jaune: well, sure, i don't see why not.

he said as team NDGO hugged him, making jaune's sisters happy and started squealing like fangirls as they leave beacon and went to the city on the dragon continent as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, up next will be called ''meeting penny'')

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