chapter 16: meeting penny.

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after jaune reunited with team NDGO, who are now members of his harem, they decided to live with their new boyfriend, which their academy agreed to since news spread of jaune's return (courtesy of ozpin obviously)

now we see jaune (in his drone body) being examined by team NDGO with awed faces as gwen said

gwen: so, this is the body you were in while your human one was being fixed?

jaune: yep, it has everything that i need to survive.

dew: which are?

jaune: built in weapons, wings for flight, even some stuff i installed myself like repair torch that either of my hands can turn into.

he said as his left drone hand turned into the repair torch he said

(like this)

jaune: but i can only use it when my drone body or my fellow murder or worker drones are damaged

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jaune: but i can only use it when my drone body or my fellow murder or worker drones are damaged.

nebula: that's a really good installment.

octavia: yep, totally.

she said while gwen and dew nodded in agreement, which made jaune smile until he got a call from ruby and answered it

jaune; yes ruby, what is it?

ruby: nothing, i just want you to meet someone, a new friend i made while you were gone for 4 months.

jaune: you made a new friend?

he asked as ruby nodded and he said

jaune: huh, that's cool. (then realizes) wait, did you tell her about my imperium and about me having two bodies, human and drone?

he asked again as ruby cringed for a bit as she said

ruby: (inhales and says) yeah, every single detail.

jaune: oh.

ruby: but there is something you should know about her, but is it ok if i bring her to your new drone city?

she asked as he looked at some worker and murder drones, who nodded yes since jaune's sisters and girlfriends live here as jaune smiled and said

jaune: well, since my sisters and most of my girlfriends are living here with me, i don't see why not.

ruby: perfect, and once i get there, i have to tell you something too.

jaune: ok, i'll send a dropship to pick you two up.

he said as ruby hanged up

(20 minutes later)

after 20 minutes since ruby hanged up, we see a drone imperium dropship landing in front of jaune, his sisters, illia, team NDGO, J, N, V, and uzi as ruby and penny polendina exit the dropship as penny said

penny: salutations, drones. my name is penny polendina, nice to meet you all.

she said as N walked up and said this as he saluted

N: i'm serial designation N, nice to

he questioned as he noticed something about penny's insides, making jaune and the others worried as uzi said

uzi: is there something wrong, N?

N: um, guys....was penny always a robot like us worker and murder drones?

he asked as the murder and worker drones scanned penny and were shocked that she's actually a robot that looks human, like the T-800s in the terminator movies as jaune looked at ruby as she said

ruby: that's .....what i wanted to tell you, jaune. penny is actually a robot who just wants to be a normal girl like me and everyone else.

V: but...who made her?

penny: i was made by Dr. pietro ponlendina of mantle.

jaune: mantle? isn't that city that's under atlas?

murder & worker drones: WHAT!!!???

penny: yeah, my creator wanted to have the perfect daughter, so he created me.

gwen: but what does he look like?

she asked as penny activated a hologram of her father/creator

after seeing pietro being a cripple, the murder and worker drones, even ruby, felt bad for seeing her father like this, but were also impressed at seeing his chair being advanced (in atlas standards) as J said

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after seeing pietro being a cripple, the murder and worker drones, even ruby, felt bad for seeing her father like this, but were also impressed at seeing his chair being advanced (in atlas standards) as J said

J: penny, i feel really sorry for seeing you father being a cripple.

uzi: yeah, i feel the same as well.

even everyone else said the same things as well

penny: thank you so much.

jaune: you're welcome, but does he know about you being here?

penny: i made sure to tell him that i'll be seeing you all, he even agreed that i'll be living with you all.

everyone: really?

N; well that's nice of him.

ruby: also....i have something to say to you, jaune.

she said as she walked over to him and did the unbelievable thing jaune never expected her to do to him

ruby kissed him on the lips as she said

ruby: i love you, jaune, ever since we first met.

she admitted her secret, which made everyone smile at knowing what's gonna happen next as jaune smiled and said

jaune: well, then....i love you too.

he said as he and ruby kissed romantically

(pretend that jaune is a murder drone in this pic)

as they kissed, the murder and worker drones cheered in celebration while jaune's sisters and girlfriends were squealing like fangirls as the screen went dark

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as they kissed, the murder and worker drones cheered in celebration while jaune's sisters and girlfriends were squealing like fangirls as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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