chapter 13: making my tormentors suffer.

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as cardin and weiss got their weapons and went up to the stage, we see jaune getting in a defensive stance, but cardin noticed that he's not wielding a weapon as he said

cardin: where's your weapon?

he asked as jaune's robotic arm turned into a sword with a cannon on it

(like this)

as his arm turned into that, everyone gasped at seeing his new arm transforming into a weapon of unknown design (to them, i mean) as he smirked and said

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as his arm turned into that, everyone gasped at seeing his new arm transforming into a weapon of unknown design (to them, i mean) as he smirked and said

jaune: right come and fight me like a man!!!!!

he said as he and cardin ran towards each other and their weapons locked on to each other, making cardin growl and jaune smirk devilishly, but he pushed cardin back as one of his knees turned into a cannon and shot cardin, not killing him, but by pushing him back to where weiss is as she looked at jaune with a face full of sadness and regret

(like this)

jaune: hey weiss, remember those times i tried to woo you over to me? well, i regret trying to do that to you ever since you hurt me when my transcrips were revealed, but when i heard that you and cardin are in a relationship during my time her as...

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jaune: hey weiss, remember those times i tried to woo you over to me? well, i regret trying to do that to you ever since you hurt me when my transcrips were revealed, but when i heard that you and cardin are in a relationship during my time her as a student, it got me thinking that since almost everything was taken from me, why not just take him from you?

he said, making weiss realize what jaune is about to do as he used his robot arm to grapple at cardin's head, pulling him back to jaune and he pulled out a knife from his leg, making every student in beacon widen their eyes in fear at knowing what he's about to do......

he started stabbing cardin in a brutal way, making him scream in agonizing pain and the girl students started sobbing and holding their ears, trying to ignore his screams of agony but to no avail as the girl students keep crying and as jaune was finished killing cardin, weiss ran up to cardin's dead lifeless body and she started crying in devastation

(like this)

as weiss continued crying as she started to know jaune's pain and anger towards everyone who wronged him, jaune said this while smirking

jaune: now you know how i feel.

he said as he then looked at the students and said

jaune: let this be a lesson for ALL of since i won and got my revenge on cardin and making weiss suffer over his death, i'm going to make my girlfriend phyrra happy by giving her something she might love....oh i almost forgot to say that while i was away, i just want to tell you that i now have an entire army, an army that's way advanced than that racist kingdom you call ''the advanced kingdom on remnant''. they're outside and when i told them about what you all did to me, they were furious at all of you for making me SUFFER over some transcripts, which isn't a big deal if you think about it.

he said as he left the ampitheatre


while jaune is walking to team NPR's dorm, the students who didn't go to the ampitheatre heard what happened and they became afraid of jaune as they backed off from him in fear, not wanting to end up like cardin and as jaune arrived at team NPR's dorm, he opened the door and sees phyrra, who was shocked at seeing jaune in his human body, but with his new arm and legs and said

phyrra: jaune?

jaune: hi phyrra. i'm sure you heard what happened to cardin, right?

phyrra: yes, but i'm not mad at you, i'm very happy that you got rid of cardin for good there another reason why you're here besides getting revenge?

jaune: yes...yes there fucking is.

he said as he closed the door and took his clothes off, making phyrra blush and started realizing what's happening as she said

phyrra: wait...are we gonna?

she was cut off as jaune said

jaune: yep, we are. and protection of you know what i mean.

he said as phyrra smirked and she also took her armor off and she and jaune get on her bed and start making love as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you like it that jaune got his revenge and made weiss suffer over cardin's death. also, up next is going to be a lemon chapter for jaune and phyrra)

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