chapter 6: rallying the troops.

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(at the old news station)

we see jaune, his new girlfriend, his new best friend N, his crush V, uzi and the worker drone colony fixing up the wires, cameras, and the dish so that way jaune can announce his speech to all the murder drones and surviving worker drones all over copper 9 as jaune said

jaune: is everything ready?

he asked as thad said

thad: yes jaune, from what the wdf reported to me, everything's 100% repaired for your speech.

he reported as jaune smiled at thad as jaune walked over to the camera as doll said

doll: ok, we're live in 5, 4, 3-

she trailed off as lizzy and some other worker drones turned the cameras on

as the murder drones saw the tv's turn on and see jaune, along with the worker drones in their colonies, jaune started his speech

jaune: hello, murder drones and worker drones of copper 9, my name is jaune arc, i'm a human, well used to be after back on my homeworld ''remnant'', i had a good life on that planet, with a dream to become a hero, to honor my family legacy....but that dream and life was ruined all because of a human bully named cardin winchester, he revealed my fake transcripts that i used to enter my dream school beacon academy and since then, most of the student body tormented me because of those documents, the only ones who stood by my side are my friends, teammates, the staff members, even all 7 of my sisters, but when i got a call from my parents saying that they disowned me, meaning that they casted me out of my family, and i decided that i was going to show them how wrong they all are by fighting against an army of creatures of darkness called grimm....i was doing good at fighting them off, until my arm and both my legs were torn off and was at the brink of death, until a portal opened up and i decided to go through it to avoid death and when i went through, the murder drones named J, V, and N saved my life, brought me to earth and put me in this body that you see right now. what i'm saying is that your creator jenson lied to you murder drones because if you wipe out all the worker drones, he'll just betray you and if he does, he'll do the same to me, meaning i won't get a chance to go back home, reunite with my friends and sisters, and get my revenge on my tormentors!!!! i'm saying this because it is time to stop killing worker drones and start working with each other, we have to cooperate and take down JCJenson once and for all and decide what we want to be in our own lives, i'm raising an army and it requires all of you, i need you. we need homeworld needs friends and remaining family need me as much as i need them. at remnant, we will grow, there we will blosson and i will never betray you!!!!!!

as he finished his speech, both murder drones and worker drones cheered at hearing his speech, meaning that they joined him to be in his army and to start a new life without the company


(at the company, on earth)

we see that inside the company, there was blood everywhere and in the ceo/founder's office, we see jaune holding mr.jenson by the neck as he struggled to breathe as he said

mr.jenson: please, don't...kill me.

jaune: (chuckles) no...not yet, i need you for a little favor.

mr.jenson: which is?

he said as jaune showed him his army, but was focused at the murder drones as jaune said

jaune: i want you to upgrade the murder drones so they will be able to go into the sun and not overheat and die...oh, and they need to be able to consume other methods to fuel on.

mr.jenson: what!? no way!!!!

he said, but juane turned his hand into a chainsaw and placed his chainsaw arm close to mr.jenson's neck, who had a face of fear as jaune said

jaune: DO IT!!!!! or else.

mr. jenson: OK OK, YOU WIN!!!! (sighs in defeat) i'll do it.

after he gave the murder drones the new upgrades, they tested them and luckily, the upgrades worked and cheered at the success as jaune looked at uzi, who looked away from him when she blushed because she also got upgrades by becoming a murder drone as well. jaune then looked at mr.jenson and said

jaune: ok mr.jenson, even though i'm thankful that you put me in here to save my life, but where's my old body?

he said as J's eyes widened as she said

J; why do you need it, sweetie?

jaune: because i realized that my teammate phyrra also had a crush on me, which explains why she stood by my side when my secret got leaked. so i need it to give her the best day of her life if you know what i mean.

he said as the female murder & worker drones blushed at hearing that as mr.jenson said

mr.jenson: it's in a stasis pod, in the med bay. that's where it is.

he said as jaune looked at N & V, who nodded as jaune grabbed mr.jenson's head and said

jaune: thank you for everything, but you deserve a better death.

he said as uzi's right hand turned into a blade and sliced him in half, like cliffjumper from the bumblebee movie as jaune grabbed his all-access keycard and said to his army

jaune:  ok, in order to get to remnant, we need to look for enough vehicles, weapons, warships, and a flagship to go there to start our new life. (looks at key card) and i think i know where they are.

he said with a smirk

(flashback end)

we see jaune waking up after he heard thad saying his name

thad: lord arc, did you say that remnant has a shattered moon?

jaune: yes? why?

he asked as J walked up to him and said

J; Because it looks like we're here.

she said with a smile, even jaune started to smile at seeing his home again as he said to thad

jaune: thad, pull up my planet's map.

he ordered as thad pulled up the map as it projected to the other warships and the murder & worker drones looked at the map and hear their leader's voice

jaune(intercom): ok, to start our new life here, we need to build up a city at the dragon-shaped continent and that's where the worker drones come in, but don't worry, i'll send a batallion of murder drones for defense against the grimm, just in case. and now everyone....we're home.

he said as some transports and supply ships exit the hangars of some warships and enter the atmosphere to start building up their first city of refugees of humans, faunas, and the drones (murder & worker) as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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