chapter 19: i'm going super nova in you. (nebula LEMON)

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after juane killed his old dad in front of all of his drone soldiers and human/faunas civilians of his ''robo-tropolis'', jaune's friends, sisters and girlfriends congradulated him for what he did instead of being scared of him for killing his own dad

right now we see juane, in his human body, sitting on his bed waiting for nebula, who's in the bathroom, after she told jaune that she has a suprise for him

jaune: ok nebula, what's the suprise you have for me?

he asked as when nebula left the bathroom, jaune was blushing at what nebula is wearing

he asked as when nebula left the bathroom, jaune was blushing at what nebula is wearing

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jaune: look amazing, nebula.

nebula giggled

nebula: thanks, now.....why don't we....make love?

she suggested as juane smirked and when he took his clothes off, nebula had a massive blush at seeing jaune's 13 inch penis

(audience claps)

nebula: (blushes) wow.

jaune: i was expecting that reaction of yours at seeing my dick.

(blitz: oh yeah getting hard holding this M*&5$ERF***ER!!!!!  then laughs like a maniac)

he said with a smirk as he grabbed nebula bridal style, threw her on his bed and they kissed

while they were kissing, juane untied nebula's bikini bra and he started groping on her breasts and then started licking her nipples, which made nebula moan in pleasure

nebula: jaune, oh jaune. stick it in me.

she asked while moaning as jaune smirked and he inserted his d*ck into nebula's p*ssy, which made her moan loudly as jaune started thrusting his rod in her repeatedly in a missionary position

after 30 minutes of the two being in missionary, nebula kept moaning until jaune said

jaune: nebula, i think i'm gonna-

he was cut off as nebula screamed

nebula: DO IT!!!!!!

she screamed as jaune blew his hentai load into nebula's womb, which made her smile in happiness and pleasure as the two fell asleep togethor

(outside of the bedroom)

we see a lot of worker drones and murder drones, even jaune's sisters and nebula's teammates having smirks on their faces, along with massive blushes on them as gwen, dew, and octavia said this mentally

Gwen, Octavia, Dew: I'm going next.

they said mentally as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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