chapter 12: back to get revenge.

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after jaune's sisters (except saphron cuz she has a family) moved in with the drones, who welcomed them as if they're one of them (even though they're humans), we see juane looking at his human body, thinking about when he'll use it again, until he got a call from ozpin, he answered it and said

jaune: yes, ozpin, what is it?

ozpin: well, i know you said that you won't be coming back to my school but, can you atleast come back to, i don't know, get revenge on team CRDL and weiss. i know you want to.

jaune: well, that is true but won't that like, ruin your reputation or something if i go back once i get my revenge on them?

ozpin: well, yes, but ruby did leave out one thing to tell you....after i showed everyone the truth about what really happened, the parents of team CRDL and weiss, and you may love this, disowned them after finding out what they did to you.

he said as jaune's digital eyes widened and said

jaune: you serious?!

ozpin: i am, so once you get your revenge, it won't affect their parents cuz of what i told you, what do you say?

he said, making jaune think about ozpin's offer for a bit until he smirked and said to his old headmaster

jaune: offer accepted.

he said as ozpin nodded and jaune hung him up as he then looked at his human body

jaune: but, i'll have a new look and after that, i'll give phyrra the best gift ever in her life.

he said with a smirk and left the room

(downtown vale)

in the kingdom of vale, everyone was doing what they usually do, and it was all quiet and peaceful until a citizen noticed a fleet of spaceships entering vale's air zone with a giant flagship in front of it, and you know what that is

in the kingdom of vale, everyone was doing what they usually do, and it was all quiet and peaceful until a citizen noticed a fleet of spaceships entering vale's air zone with a giant flagship in front of it, and you know what that is

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then as they see a bunch of dropships, they deployed battalions of worker drones armed assault rifles as they start marching in an orderly fashion

(like this)

while they were marching, the people of vale were whispering to each other about what they are, such as ''did atlas make them'' or ''are they a new model of atlesian knights or something'' or ''are they aliens''

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while they were marching, the people of vale were whispering to each other about what they are, such as ''did atlas make them'' or ''are they a new model of atlesian knights or something'' or ''are they aliens''. as they were whispering, we see jaune looking out the window seeing the vale citizens starting to smile as he sees lizzy picking up a teddy bear that a little girl dropped and gave it back to her with a smile on lizzy's face as j spoke up when she entered the bridge

J; you know something jaune, once we arrive at beacon, we'll make sure to put everyone in beacon in their places for how they treated you, except your friends of course.

jaune: i know, and after i give phyrra her present, your next.

he said as J gasped after realizing what her boyfriend meant

J: you mean it?!

Jaune: yeah.

he said as he and his sexy murder drone GF kissed and started to make out while a male and female worker drone were looking at each other like those two cookie kids from the happy place episode from final space season 2, then stopped as jaune left to get his revenge

(at beacon's ampitheatre)

behind teh curtains of the ampitheatre, we see jaune (in his human body of course) waiting for ozpin to call his name until he started to hear ozpin's voice as he started his announcement

ozpin: good afternoon students, now i know you're wondering about why you're here, correct?

he asked as the students nodded

ozpin: good, it's because i have a guest that may be...very familiar to all of you, even miss schnee and team CRDL.

he said as weiss and team CRDL's heads rose up as ozpin say their names when he said

ozpin: arc, you may come out now.

he said, making everyone gasp at hearing that jaune is alive while weiss and team CRDL started sweating nervously, wondering what he'll do to them after how they treated him and when jaune came out, he wasn't the same, his arm and both his lower legs were replaced with robotic replacements

(like these)

(like these)

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after seeing jaune's new legs and arm, they realized they really FUCKED UP, like really fucked up in the ass, deep and hard as some girls were trying to hold in their tears while the guys were shaking in fear as they noticed jaune's hateful glare,...

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after seeing jaune's new legs and arm, they realized they really FUCKED UP, like really fucked up in the ass, deep and hard as some girls were trying to hold in their tears while the guys were shaking in fear as they noticed jaune's hateful glare, but he wasn't looking at the guy students, he was looking at weiss and team CRDL as he yelled this out at them

Jaune: I choose cardin and weiss to fight against ME. if i win, i get to punish all of you for what you did to me and i get to come here again as a guest, not a student. ONLY THE STRONGEST SHALL RULE!!!!!!!

he screamed out at them as cardin and weiss walk to the locker room to get their weapons while jaune is smirking and J (who's behind the curtains) is smiling at her human boyfriend as he's about to get his revenge as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you all liked it)

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