chapter 5: the truth.

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we see J walking towards a downed uzi and kicked her railgun away from her as she said

J: (chuckles) you got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster, i prey like that before, but sure edgy spirit is just so...painful?

she said as uzi used the tip of her tail and stabbed it into her right leg and J started to swear buzz words, she tripped and fell as uzi grabbed her railgun and aimed it at J's face

Uzi: one more buzz word and i'll


as the voice was heard, uzi turned around and see jaune having a fearful face as he said

jaune: uzi, don't kill her, she was just following orders.

uzi: oh yes i'm gonna kill her, after everything she did to my colony, to N, and you're asking me to NOT kill her, i was gonna do the same to the humans that made her and the other murder drones next for revenge!!! Give me one good reason why i can't kill her!!!!!

she yelled at juane, who was shocked and appald at what he heard and decided to tell the truth about himself as he lowered his head and said

jaune: because i used to be human.

he said, which shocked her as she said

uzi: WHAT!!!!!

but she wasn't the only one who was shocked, because her colony heard what he said as well when doll, lizzy, thad and the other worker drones came out of hiding as they said

Doll: WHAT...

lizzy: DID...

thad: YOU...

worker drones: JUST SAY!!!????

they said as they walked up toward jaune, even uzi who decided to spare J's life and carried her to the crowd as N and V stopped fighting and walked up toward them as well

thad: you used to be human?

Jaune: yes, but that was almost 4 months ago when J, V, and N saved my life and put me in this body that the company's scientist made in my likeness.

lizzy: wait, so these murder drones knew about this?

she asked as jaune's friends/saviors nodded at her

thad: then, what happened before you became one of them?

he said as jaune looked at J, V, and N, who nodded as jaune said

jaune: sit down because this might take a while to explain about where i'm from and how i became this in the first place.

(1 hour later)

after explaining, the worker drones were shocked that he came from a planet of humans, people with animal parts called faunas, and creatures of darkness called grimm, angered at what cardin did to him, uzi was furious at his parents leaving him to dead over some documents like khan did to her over N being here, saddened at hearing that he got disowned and almost died because of everyone who wronged him, and were happy that not everyone turned on him (and by not everyone, i mean his friends that stayed by his side, the staff at beacon academy, even all 7 of his sisters, includingg saphron's family)

uzi: wow, your dad must've been a real jerk for not training you to fight.

thad: yeah, but what this cardin did to you was just a real dick move if you ask me.

jaune: yeah, and J...i saw everything.

he said as J's eyes widened at hearing that her crush saw what he saw

J: you hate me, do you?

she asked as she was starting to cry until juane fixed her wound and said

jaune: no, i don't hate you.


she cried demandingly as jaune grabbed her waist and kissed her, making the worker drones, N and V shocked at what they're seeing and when they broke the kiss, J said

J: wha, what?

Jaune; i knew you had a crush on me and guess what? so do it.

he said as J smirked as she said

J: what made you like me?

she asked as she crossed her left leg around jaune's waist as he said

jaune: your hot body is what made me fall in love.

he said as they both kissed again, making uzi, doll and lizzy smile at the scene and when they broke the kiss again, jaune said

jaune: ok since the fight is over, i suggest that we should fix the landing pod at my friend's lair and storm over at the company on earth.

he said as the worker drones, except uzi, gasped in shock until thad got angry and say


jaune: uh hello? i have leadership/tactical skills and i used to be a leader of a team, not to mention that uzi and N are on to something that if this colony is wiped, the company will have no use of the murder drones, and i'm just a human in a murder drone body so if they dispose of me, i'll never get a chance to go back home, see my friends and sisters, and to get my revenge on my tormenters and former parents for what they did to me, you get my point?

he said as his murder drone freind/new girlfriend and the worker drones stare at each other murmering as J said

J: it is starting to make sense, but how are we gonna storm at the company that i no longer work for after hearing what you said jaune?

jaune: well, from what you told me, this planet was colonized by humans and had humans living here, right? so is there a broadcasting station or something like that here, you know like a news station or something?

he asked as one worker drone raised his hand as he said

worker drone (male): i know where it is. why do you ask?

he asked to juane, who was smirking as he said

jaune: because i think we're gonna need a lot of help, in other words, it's time for me build an army.

he said as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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