Chapter 1: The Help You Asked For?

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"Get out of here!"

"You're a disgrace to god!"

"Why is it even here?"

"Are they going to eat us?!"

"They should have stayed down below."

Those are the words you hear as you leave the village when you wanted to ask for help. You couldn't blame the village. You were a walking humanoid bird. They thought you were an angel until they saw the color of your wings. Your wings were a dark blue color and the villagers thought you were gonna destroy their village. Little did the villagers know, that you were badly injured on your way here. You just need some treatment and a place to stay. You could have waited to heal yourself but you're abilities are limited due to your condition and you didn't specialize in healing magic. Villagers kicked you out and saw your true form. A giant bird and you flapped your wings to find shelter.

As you flew up to a mountain that had a runway, you notice a cave and rested there for a couple of days. You didn't bother to change your form because you were too tired to change back. So, you stayed as a giant raven. Those couple of days have passed and you had barely any sleep due to how many kids would get themselves lost and start crying on the ledge. Kids would describe you as an "Angel who forever fallen" or "scary bird". The first child who got lost, you approach slowly and they started crying. You decided to find another way to gain the trust of the child, so you can take them back to the village. You decided to whine and whimper as they cry. Then they realized that they were hurting you due to their loud irritating cry. As they stop, you start talking to them using telepathy. As you use telepathy, kids stopped and listen as they calmed down.

"Why cry young one?" You said in a very exhausted tone

"I want to go home! I want my mommy and daddy!" The young one started to cry again.

As you slowly approach them and wrapped your wing around them, trying your best to calm them down you asked,

"Have you ever wondered, what's it like to fly?"


"If I make you fly, would you stop crying?"

The kid was confused but also skeptical. Even though they knew who you were, they debated whether or not to trust you. You clearly saw this kind of expression before. So, you turned your back towards the kid and spoke,
"Listen, if you fall you can grab my feathers or those arrows for grip."
The kid was shocked to see a couple of arrows on your back and had a little faith in you since he had the advantage to take you down if anything went south. So, the kid climbed on and you lift off. You heard little screams of nervousness but as you glid through the air and above the trees, you convinced the kid to open their eyes.

"Thank you for flying with Y/n transportation, sorry for the bumpy start but we are now gliding smoothly into the air. Still hang on but you are now okay to open your eyes!"

As they open their eyes, sounds of, "WOAH," and "WOW!" The kid was pretty demanding but overall you lifted their emotions into amazed and shock looked. When the sun was setting the kid fell asleep. Half of it was your fault because you wanted to make it like this was all a dream. As you headed toward the village, you transform into your humanoid form holding the kid so they won't fall. You saw a group of villagers crowding around an empty circular spot. You guessed that villagers wanted you to land there. As you landed, people were already whispering about what you did to the kid. Mother and Father came forth and watched as you carefully placed the kid down.

"There was nothing wrong with him. He was lost and I'm only bringing them back. I'll be leaving now." You said monotone voice and trying not to be a threat.

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