Chapter 6: Sleepover

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After a conversation about staying over, you decided that Macaque would remain in your room because you felt uncomfortable if any patient woke up to see a weird-looking monkey sleeping on the bed. Plus it is noisy with all the animals snoring since he has sensitive hearing. Instead of going to bed, you decided to lay on the couch to figure out a strategy for defeating "the final boss." You set out a plan tomorrow about how you would defeat this creature. You stared at your tv watching a series on the air. You opened your journal and wrote out strategies to work this out with your job and the battle. Then you heard someone on the other side of the couch chewing loudly while staring at the tv.

"You watch this kind of stuff?" Macaque said while his eyes were still glued to the tv.

"I like making fun of their logic."

"Where is the volume?"

"Why are you really up Macaque, the six-eared."

"Uh oh am I in trouble? Well if you're dying to hear I-" As Macaque was making dramatic gestures you interrupted his dramatic scene.

"I need your help." You said coldly still looking at your journal.

The room was silent and you guys heard the little volume of the tv. This continued for a couple of seconds but seconds went like minutes. Macaque was speechless looking at you but you pulled your legs towards your chest.

"Never mind. I shouldn't ask you anyways. Macaque the six-eared monkey boy. You probably have more important business than talking to a low-life like me. After all, I'm just being used like everyone else in this world. Just a pawn that's about to be fallen. Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Good night." You forced smile out of this sad conversation and stand up approaching the guest bedroom until Macaque grabbed your hand.

"I want. I want a normal conversation! No question back and forth. Just me you in this house sitting down eating." Macaque quietly yelled and looked at you with a tint of pink heating up. His face started to heat up more until he heard laughter from you.

"Pfftt! I accept this deal but warning it won't be easy." You smirked and swatted Macaque's hand to enter the room but he spoke again before you can touch the door knob.

"No. I want a conversation here. Right now." Macaque said with his eyes filled with determination to get to know you.

"Of course just let me get what I need then we can discuss this." You walked into your room getting what you need while Macaque followed in watching you pull out face masks, nail polish, and giant stuffed animals.

"What is this?" Macaque pointed at everything you put out.

"We can't go into a conversation without these. Plus it's my routine. How else do I get this pretty face?" You flashed your eyelashes trying to make yourself cute.

"HA! Like you're gonna make me do all this stuff."

"Well, I guess back to questions. I'll see you tomorrow." You got up and walked away while leaving everything how it is.

"Wait! How do we do this?" You turned around with a devilish grin and Macaque gulped, scared to know what will happen.

"Well let me show you!" You speeded towards the carpet and sat down while patting the carpet to notify Macaque to sit next to you.

After giving up he sat down and you got to work. You went towards Macaque with a lavender face mask and he stared at this weird soggy face mask. He flinched at first but you took a slow approach to know you won't harm his handsome face. You gotta admit he was handsome but after applying the face mask you laughed instead. You burst out of laughter and Macaque blushed really hard, but you couldn't see it with his face mask. He looked at the face mask, he chose a strawberry-scented face mask, and attempted to put it on you but struggled.

"How can anyone wear this? Feels weird, gross, and complicated." Macaque pouted and handed the face mask to you. You patted his head and turned towards your body mirror near your closet and applied it from there. 

"Not supposed to be hard. You just suck at having sleepovers. I learned this from a human girl. I was very invested." You giggled and looked back at Macaque laughing at your face for straight 2 minutes.

"Alright. That's not the reason why I brought you here." You grabbed a timer to set it for 15 minutes then grabbed Macaque's hand softly. You softly and slowly brought it to you now painting his nails. His color was a bossy red color (I don't know how to describe this color).

"You brought me here to paint my nails?"

"Yes but no. I wanted to talk to you about my situation."

*~Couple Minutes Of Explaining~*

You told your story perspective but left out Oka because you didn't want to get her involved. Macaque interrupted you many times with questions or annoyance when he can take off his face mask. He nodded and listen quite well.

"What can I do to help?"

"Can you... Protect the village & warn the animals about staying away from the mountains?" You started to be really quiet after asking for help.

"Yeah, but what are you going to do?"

"Help the village duh!" You lied though. You weren't really going to the village. You're going to stop this madness that's been going on for centuries.

Then the timer buzzed and Macaque ripped his face mask right off with no hesitation. You still kept yours on until Macaque questioned why you're not taking yours off. You grabbed your F/C (favorite color) nail polish and started to coat it.

"Hey, I want to do it," Macaque stated while looking at your hand.

"Really 'The Macaque' wants to paint my nails? I feel so honored." You laughed for a bit while Macaque was finding an excuse to paint your nails.

"It's only fair."

"Fine but you have to tell me why you're here."

"I'm here because I wanted to. I stubble across this village point until I got invested in a mysterious bird."

"Oh! Was this bird pretty?" You said acting like you were fishing for compliments.

"Yeah pretty... Pretty ugly! Ha!" 

"Ouch! That hurts." You chuckle for a little bit.

You didn't entirely believe in his story but you didn't care as much. Just curious why help this sick village? The rest of the time you kept interrupting Macaque for every detail he talked about while he was focusing on your hands.

"You think you can pull the air mattress out underneath my bed?"

"Yeah yeah yeah."

"Thank you." You smiled a little and blew your nails to dry faster.

"What's the point of the air mattress?"

"Well, that wouldn't be part of a sleepover, would it?"

Macaque just stayed quiet after that and make everything ready while you were spacing out about your days in the future. You were trying to play a strategy in your head about this. Should you go head-on or make traps beforehand? You were troubled and made a weird face that made Macaque notice, wondering what was going on.


"Just thinking."

"You have a brain?"

"You have a tongue?"

"Alright, bird brain how about-"

"How about we get some sleep?" You smiled at him and then hopped on the air mattress.

"Woah, I thought I was gonna take the air mattress?"

"Well, you're my guest. What kind of a host do you think I am?

"A lazy one," Macaque said quietly.

After getting all set for bed, you turn off the lights and heard only silence. You said your goodnights and did everything Oka did. You were about to doze off until your brain started to think about what will happen if you do win this battle. Will you stay here still or adventure off with Macaque? Then you blushed about thinking about Macaque. 

*~In Your Mind~*

-Oh my GOODNESS!!! Why would I think about this?! He is just a guest who will be helping! Yes, a guest. Nothing more or less. I need to think professionally. But what if he said yes? Yes, that I can travel with him? Y/n! Stop thinking about this! You need sleep. Yeah, I can sleep it off. Well good night me-

Word Count: 1351

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